
Parents: do you think miley Cyrus is a role model?

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  1. I'm not a parent, but yes, I do think so. So she made a couple of what! Everybody does. At least she's better than Lindsay Lohan.

  2. My 13 yr old son adores her.  But he thinks Raven is prettier.  Miley is a better role model than most of the other young starlets available to children to admire.

  3. I am not a parent but whatever.


    Everyone has diff. views on the details and standards of a role model.


    Everyone makes mistakes

    Bottom Line: I personally do not like her voice. But I dont judge her, everyone makes mistakes. To me she is just another average 15yearold girl who gets to be a star. No reason to ooh and ahh over her.

  4. I don't know Miley but from what I have seen she is way to young to be thinking about motherhood

  5. Nope.

  6. I think she is. I really want my children to be tone-deaf, attention-hungry, whores!

  7. not anymore she isnt...

    im 17 btw.

    and i would NEVER take pictures like that of myself, she got famous and ruined it.

  8. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND I CAN'T STAND SEEING HER FACE ALL OVER THE MAGAZINE RACKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. No, technically she is not. Apparently she hasn't done anything that wrong, but just wait until she turns 18.

    Britney Spears, her sister Jamie Lynn Spears, Ashley and Mary-Kate Olsen, Linday Lohan.

    All icons for young girls when they were smaller, look at them now. Britney Spears is a whack job, her sister got pregnant at what 16? The olsen twins and their anorexia/bulimia c**p, Lindsay Lohan and her partying, drug use etc.......

    She is eventually just going to end up like them.

  10. no she is not she is just like all the other teen divas out to make a buck

  11. nope shes a w***e

  12. I don't think people in the entertainment industry are "role models" at all.

  13. oh helll nooooo

    answer mine??;...

  14. give the girl a break.

    she has feelings ya know,shes not a piece of furniture.

    at least shes not sleeping around or doing drugs.

  15. F***K NO!!!!

    just do a google image search of "miley Cyrus s**y pics"

    shes such a little whole.

    none of the teens in the new kid shows should be considerd

    "role models"

  16. I am not a parent but I think she is a terrible role model. She dresses pretty risky and everytime we finally decide to let her pictures drop and  forgive her, there is a new batch of pictures.

  17. She is, but she isn't a good one. Bleh.

  18. No simply no she dresses like a hoe and she takes hoey picture she is just a w***e

  19. no i don't look up to her she is a disney marketing plan

    even though her show hannah montana came out on my bday so that and she is kind pretty but that is the only reason y i like miley

  20. not at all

    role model's dont take risky pictures or other kinds of pictures and send them to their boyfriend

  21. Does she every claim to be? She is just a talented girl who has a TV show and can sing really well. I dont recall her wearing an ' I'M A ROLE MODEL' t-shirt. Hannah Montanna is a good role model, she alway does the right the end and is funny, Hannah Montanna is the TV show and that is where she should be judged as a role model is being think of it that way but Miley shouldnt be. Leave the poor girl alone! She may be 15 but she is much more mature for her age and she should be allowed to do anything she is comfortable with. AND those photos for Vanity Fair, where beautiful and VF does that pose with most of the celebrities that they shoot. If she's not ashamed of her body (which is a normal healthy body) then why are we making such a deal about it? At least she's not super skinny or pregnant.

  22. Whether we like it or not, everyone is a role model for somebody, but not all role models are positive ones.

    I don't think Miley is a  bad girl. I think she's young,  under more pressure than the average teen, and still has A LOT to learn!

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