
Parents don't want me to buy a car because..?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 17 and have been working during this summer holiday, practically 6 days a week, about 8-10 hours a day for a removals company because I want to buy myself a nice car (won't go into detail which one)

So now I've got the money, but suddenly my mum is trying to manipulate me into not buying this car because she reckons "it'll damage the environment". Yes she has a car and drives herself.

I still live with my parents but don't you reckon that I should be allowed to buy it since i worked my a$$ off to get the money?




  1. It doesn't sound like mom is against you buying A car. Just THIS car as she feels it isn't good for the environment.

    Why not look into one that WILL be a little more, well.. earth friendly? You'll be getting a car.. mom will have no complaints. It's a win-win situation.

    Besides, even though you don't want to say which car it is, if it's not good for the environment, you can bet it's going to be a gas guzzler. Consider this, even though you have the money to purchase it, what about the money it's going to take to fill that tank? How will you feel having this car you want "oh so much" and having to leave it parked, because you can't afford to tank up on fuel. Need to also consider insurance..  A smaller, earth friendlier car will cost less on both, fuel, and insurance.

    Don't be afraid to shop around awhile now that you've saved up the money to buy yourself a nice vehicle... who knows, ya might just find something you'll like alot better than what you've had your eye on already.  And don't forget, ASK tons of questions, for instance, you're going to need to know how many miles per gallon of fuel any car you get will make. Also call around to different insurance companies.. compare prices on each and every make and model of car your interested in.  Cause buying a car.. doesn't mean the expenses are going to stop with the purchase of the car itself and you DO need to know what you're getting into on all accounts.

  2. of course, buy the car you want, tell her you will not argue about it anymore.

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