
Parents dont want me...?

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I really like singing and I think I'm pretty good at it and would like to see how far I could get with it but my parents dont want me to they want me to "have a real job" I think singing is a real job but for some reason they dont my uncle likes the idea and knows alot about it he said he would help me but I have to get my parents to say yes first so how can I get them to say yes? they keep yelling at me when I bring it up which makes me think that maybe I'm wrong for wanting to do I?




  1. tell them you would have help from your uncle and you know what you can keep this on the side and do it and do something constructive that they think for a living and you'll probably coo me out better with singing.

  2. Hey Man don't listen to your parents it's your own life , and i think singing is a great career ! Try your best and join clubs in school, it's gunna get you further :D

  3. Tell your mom and dad that you will get a job when your old enough to do so.

    mean while earn your weight around the house so that they know you are willing to work at home and still do what is in your heart. kids that want things know what to do to make things work out, kids will earn their parents respect in order to make their dreams come true, if your lazy and just want to do what is good for you then you are not really wanting to become a singer rather your just wanting to get away with your responsibility in life and your starting real young in neglecting them. If you want to be a singer help out and then they will know you mean it when you say you want to be a singer.  

  4. be willing to compromise with them. If they allow you to try to pursue a career in singing, then you will also get a "real job" just in case it doesn't work out. They just think you are too young to know what you want. Wait until you get older if you have to so you can do it on your own. After you get old enough to move out, they don't always have to know what you've got going on. I am not trying to tell you to defy your parents, but I am saying if you don't try, you will never know if it's possible.

    I have a 14 year old that also likes to sing. She is getting better but could still use a voice coach. I want to try to encourage her as much as possible, but I can't do much at this time. If I could get her a voice coach and provide her everything she needs to try to pursue her dreams I would. But we just have to take things one step at a time and see what life brings. If it was meant to be, it will happen for you and also my daughter.

    Good luck!

  5. depends on your age. if you are a child in school, can you manage school and singing and all of the other things you have to do.

    if you are an adult, can you live off of what you will make singing?

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