
Parents: have any good advice on how to spend the last days before parenthood?

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I'm expecting my first child in a few weeks, and though I realize my life will change dramatically after the birth, I'd like to make good use of these days before the birth. Any input? Parents only, please.




  1. Sleep. You said parents only...I sorta am a parent to an 8 week old unborn peanut and i've been sleeping in on weekends as long as humanly possible.

    I just think when this baby comes I won't be sleeping much.

  2. What a great question. I never even thought of it !  

    Here are a few of my suggestions......

           have a quiet dinner  (dinners won't be quiet for long!)

           take along bath (no time for long baths soon:-)

           talk to your spouse using adult language (you might forget how shortly!)

           laugh with each other (that will always be there!)

           read a book (you might not get past the first chapter once the new arrival comes)

           Enjoy this special two weeks with each other.......the next years will be spent sharing with your children.  That too is a real bonus.  

    Good luck to you.......Enjoy the love and laughter that a child brings to your home.  Enjoy yourselves too :-)    Take care

  3. Honestly, I would go on a romantic date night, doing all your favorite things. maybe dinner, a movie or show, talk and hangout with my husband. My daughter is now 5 1/2 months old, and very rarely do we get to go out and do stuff alone anymore between our busy schedules and trying to find a sitter etc.

    Good luck!

  4. My dear prepare for the ride of your life!  

    Take time to get reaquainted with your spouse, go to the movies together and on your own, go out to dinner, get your nails and toes done, pamper yourself with a pregnancy massage as you will hardly ever get any time for yourself.  

    Dont get me wrong,  people will offer to help you but trust me you will not want to be separated from your bundle of joy.  

    My daughter is 7 months and 2 weeks old and I look forward to seeing her and spending time with her just to learn her personality....  

    She has changed so much since she graced us with her  presence last year, all of the pain, swollen feet, cravings, sore nipples I would do it all again just to see her smilePray, meditate center on what is about to happen in the next few weeks, your life is going to change accept it and take each day one at a time.

  5. Get plenty of sleep.

  6. Sleep, long baths, read, watch television--RELAX.  I felt guilty for being so lazy in the days before my son was born, but now I'm so glad I had that time--I will never be that lazy again!

    Spend lots of time with your husband, too, and communicate how you're feeling.  Your relationship will change a lot after the baby comes home, but as long as you communicate well it should change for the better.

    Congratulations on the baby. :)

  7. get lots and lots of sleep and make sure you and your hubby go out to dinner a couple times as you will be house bound for a while--stock up on diapers and wipes too for your little one

  8. SLEEP

  9. I have 3 kid's, my last is 9 months old and i am pregnant again with 2 months to go. I suggest you catch up on as much sleep as possible, because you will get hardly any when this baby comes. Just relax as well as much as possible, and congratulations! Parenting is a fun adventure that will make you tired sometimes. Oh! and when you put the baby down for a sleep, you get some sleep too. That way you won't get that tired.


    You can't imagine how much sleep you are going to lose in the coming months.  You are going to be so overwhelmed and happy with your new baby, but sleep will be something you will miss at least for the first month or so.  Relax and get plenty of rest.

    Another thing I did was start writing notes to my baby.  I wrote things about my son and how much I loved him and couldn't wait to meet him, etc.  He's 16 now and although he acts as though he doesn't care about it, I caught him reading it in his bed smiling one night.  It's just amazing because they grow so fast!


  11. sho'.

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