
Parents - hot weather?

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I don't know about you but where we are, it's horribly hot. I'm just wearing shorts and my fiance is in shorts and a t-shirt. Our three week old twins are just in their nappies, they're restless and tired because of the heat.

Anyone else having problems with children and the heat?




  1. the heat and babies are a nightmare just try to keep them inside s they are not in the sun but open doors and windows if they enjoy their bath you could try bathing them a couple of times a day to help keep them cool and hopefully it will cool down soon i'm pregnant with my third and it is really bad for me too.

  2. Yeah.  In my house the afternoon sun goes right across where the windows for my kids rooms are, and even with the blinds/curtains closed it can get unbearably hot.  I have to keep the AC (we have central air) turned to a low temp at all times just to help cool down their rooms.  I have to keep the temp down even overnight, just to help get their rooms cooler to prepare for the next afternoon's heat.  And just my luck, that heat comes through at its worst around naptime, when they are surely in their rooms - ugh  :(

  3. yeah..... go and buy oscillating fans... netto has got a remote control one with stand for 15 quid.

    u can get smaller ones from a £5.... well worth it

  4. Yes i have a 13 week old girl and she is a very hot baby anyway. I have dressed her only in vests for the past 3 days, (day and night) I find many parents are too over protective about babies being too cold. It would be far more dangerous to overdress them and for them to be too hot. They say though that the basic rule for dressing babies is to always have them dressed in one layer more than you but personally i have them wearing simliar to myself. Enjoy the sunshine.

  5. Tell me about it, I live in the australian desert, luckily for me it's winter at the moment but I am not looking forward to having my new baby in december in the 45 degree heat. We live in a mining town (company owned housing) though so there is awesome refrigerated reverse cycle air conditioning, we just stay inside all (LOOOOOOONG) summer.

  6. Yeh, but I usually turn on the air conditioners.

  7. It's awful as you feel powerless...what we tend to do in my family is lay them in an open area...i.e not in crib and defo not on leather couch!!!...and put floor fan on a comfy speed and make sure they have plenty of water...we find that this is the only thing that works...this time last year we had 3 babies at 3months I feel your pain!!! They are 15 months now and I'm not sure if its easier or harder!!! Fortunately they are my siblings children so I can leave when I've had enough!!! Good luck though...hope it cools down for you!!

  8. Im a parent...but child isnt born yet lol.

    But I have my little niece with me who is 6 months old and she is finding the heat here (newcastle, uk) horrible. She has a vest top and her nappy on and is slathered in suncream as we are sitting in garden. Im thinking im going to have to put the paddling pool up and sit in it with her just so that she doesnt burn up :(

  9. There's a can of water stuff that you can buy.. works wonders on the little ones!

    check that link out to see what i mean!

  10. Yes I am. My daughter is the same! Just in her nappy! and cranky.

    I have her under her play gym with the fan blowing over her

  11. yes it is very hot! i live in the southeastern U.S. and our summers are horrible! i am originally from Guam which is summer yearlong, but at least we had an ocean breeze there!

    i used to take my son outside to play, but i avoid that now.  my son heats up easily and even though he is not fair skinned he still turns red when he is hot.  even though our car has air-conditioning i put a car fan in the back for him.  i found it at walmart.  it plugs in the car.  my sister has one too.

    we have found ourselves bored in the house!  we try to go out as much as we can stand.  if we do go out it is usually to a place that is indoors like a restaurant or something.

  12. oh yes. I know exactly how you feel. My daughter's been wearing a very light sundress these past few days because when the shorts bother her, and the 100+ degree weather is killing us. Thankfully we have AC but it's expensive! We usually go to the mall where it's nice and cold, or go to the pool where she can play in the water (we have a giant tree that provides shade for about half the pool, which is nice).

    Best of luck with the heat!
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