
Parents : how many kids is better...?

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. and why.

what are the good and bad.




  1. I don't think that one is better than the other really.  I think certain people should have just one and some people should have many.  I want 4 and I am pregnant with my 4th.  I do not think that is better but that is the best for me.  I love my life and my kids.  It has been good for me because they have eachother to play with and learn from.  The work load may be harder but we manage and my kids are very helpful.  They know if they ,make a mess they will be cleaning it, maybe with my help but they will be there too.  I want lots of Grandkids so I think my chances are much better this way.  I think just one kid would be harder to entertain on a daily basis and harder to teach sharing and things like that but I don't think it is bad.  Maybe it was an awful pregnancy and all they want is one, you never know.  I do know 1 single child that is not spoiled at all.  She is 11 yrs old and she is so much like me when I was young even though I have 4 brothers.

  2. I'm 31 yrs old and just had my 7th child on 4/22/08.   I love having a big family.  My children are girl 12, boys 9, 6, 4, girl 21 months, boy 12 weeks and an angel boy that would be 5.  

    The only bad thing I can think of about having a large family, is that it's hard to come across a good vehicle big enough for us all.

    Everything else is great :)

  3. 1

    To keep the world's population under control.

    It's less expensive for only one child.

    18-year sentence and you're done.

  4. I personally want 3 or 4 kids. The family get togethers in my family are better with the bigger sides of the family.

  5. 3

    a boy,a girl and a boy

    a boy for helping the girl and an other boy coz the girl can have control over the boy

  6. None is best, but if you are going to have them, then have only 1.

  7. Well...

    1... only children can be lonely sometimes, also, their social skills may not be as developed and they may be more selfish. However, only children have a tight bond with their parents and are often more mature, and become more independent than kis with sibs.

    2.. they will be super competitive as there are only two, and often feel like one is favored over the other, even if this is not true. But, they will keep each other company and their social skills will be stronger since they have someone close in age at home.

    3... sometimes they will gang up two on one, often the one in the middle will feel left out (too little to be more independent, too big to be a baby like the younger one), also with three there may be "favorite siblings" and one will be left out. However, with three they can take care of each other, play together, and their social skills will develop quickly, also the oldest can help with the youngest.

    4... they out number you as parents big time! Also, because there are so many, each child may not get 'individual time' with the parents. However, with four, the number is even, so they do not gang up on each other as often as with three, they each have a 'favorite' so they do not feel left out, also their social skills are usually very good because they are with their peers from an early age.

    I don't know which is 'better' there are pros and cons to all the numbers! I think it really depends on the family.

  8. I have two children, with our third due next month. I think that three is the perfect number. I always wanted one or two kids, but then as I got older I wanted three kids. When my husband and I started talking about our family, we wanted two children, a boy and a girl. When we had two girls we decided to try for a third and we got our boy. We are going to be a family of 5. Our world was not meant for four people, but 5.

  9. i have 5 and am on my 6th. i think that's a lot! but it's so rewarding. it's hard work at times. but i love them all and they teach me so much and it's just such an amazing thing to raise individuals with different interests and personalities. so the more the better in my eyes

  10. we have 8 children

    one is my own... my husband and I are foster parents to 7 children. I love it and would never change it.

    I believe if anyone is going to have a big family they should consider atleast one foster child.. it is the most rewarding unselfhish thing you can give a child a  home.. There are over 2 million children in the usa who need families.

  11. Four is perfect for me, but not for everyone. On holidays, if you have one child and spend $100, no problem, but you have four and either everyone gets $100 and you spend $400 or everyone gets $25 and you spend $100, you know? PLus you time is accounted for at all times, you have four times the amount of dishes, laundry, beds, toys, sports, homework, ect. I love it, but NOT for everyone. My husband was an only child and HATED it! I think 2-3 is perfect for most, five is too many and one isnt fair to the child.

  12. At least 2 because if you have one the child will be lonely at most 6.

  13. if you are older, say 28 or so, just have one or two.  If you are like 39, have one or none.  If you are under 25, wait until you are 28...

    Why: 28 is the perfect age cause you are mature and ready, for the most part, and your energy level is high, you are probably well established in your career and financially stable. If 39, you are getting too old, and will lack energy, and your kid will have the oldest parents in their class.

    If under 25 you just aren't ready as far as giving up your social life, your freedom, and your financial stability is probably not there quite yet.

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