
Parents how many times do you clean during the week?

by Guest58647  |  earlier

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I am 22 weeks pregnant. Not the mood to do anything. But I need to get this house clean. It seems like I be cleaning everyday. I know the living room clean every day. It usually enough for me to clean. But got kitchen and dining room to do. The kids love making the mess has well. I need some ideas.

1. Do you clean one room a day..

2. How do you keep everything organized.

3. Do you do cleaning schedule.

4. Do your kids help you out with cleaning and want do you give them if they help you.

5. Do your kids have chore list.

6. What do you enterain your children while you clean

7. Do you have routine or schedule plan for your children.

8. When you do the cleaning.

9. How much laundry you do. If you could short laundry during the week how do you do it.

10. I have dishwasher. But it acting like it filled up in one or two days.

Thanks.. This might give me some idea's. Our city water company raising everyone water bill. I want to cut down with the washing if I could.




  1. i clean once a week n my 3 yr old help

  2. My daughter is only a year old so she cant help me out with the house work, but when she is older she will have certain chores around the house to earn her allowance.

    I do dishes about 2 - 3 times a day, being that i have no dishwasher, i hate to see dishes piled up in the sink. I do laundry once or twice a week, usually all of it throughout the day and whatever is left i finish first thing the next morning.

    I do have a schedule. i like to get my house work done in the morning, i dust and vaccum usually every second morning, i was my floors about 2 times a week :) hope i helped out a little :)

  3. i am 23 weeks preggo on #3. here we go: keeping "up" is the key. don't sit down after supper, start clean up then and there, otherwise youll get lazy. as far as one room, no. i usually clean the bathroom, dining room, kitchen every day. by cleaning i mean straighten. not scrub. wipe counter,take out trash, etc. organizing? get rid of it if you dont use it every day. i got rid of alot of knick knacks because i just didn't have time to dust them. go to walmart and get the canvas boxes (no lids) that you can slide in the corner, or diagonally stack. use totes for games, and etc. in the closet. don't let the kids play all over the house-limit it to the bedroom or one area of the family room. that helped our family tremondously-my  scrubbing schedule (toilet bathtub scouring sinks mopping etc.) is done on sat. only because i work 8 hours a day, and have that off. if the house is picked up a little each day, then it helps when you have to clean. yes my kids help. you didn't give ages so i will give you ranges- under 2 but walking, they can pick up their own toys, throw away garbage little things whlie you are cleaning. it might take you longer, but after a while they do just to make you see and be proud they did it. 2&3 pick up their plate from table. throw dirty clothes from the bath time in the laundryroom, and what i named in the former. my son is 8-he picks up his own room, he picks up his plate, he wipes the table down after supper, he picks his dirty clothes up, he puts his own clothes away, etc. my other 2 are 12 going on 13, and they do everything i do, except laundry. dishes, vacuum, dust, clean bathroom. etc. i don't make them do these everyday of course, but they have about 20 min worth of chores to do every day. not counting, cleaning their own rooms and putting their clothes away on tues & fridays. they cannot do anything else until chores are done, period. this means spending the night, going outside, etc.  another good tip is doing it all together if you can-after supper around 7:00-usually at our house they have to "calm down" at 8:30- that doesn't mean go to sleep, it means watch a movie, play a game (quiet) read, etc. then your house is picked up all night and usually still fairly straighned in the morning. don't allow them to play and drag a bunch of stuff out after a certain time. they need a routine. no chore lists. i have found with my family, they dont help all that much, only becuase, i do what i am in the mood to do. so if i do the dishes and it is on their list, then its not fair for the other one. understand? (confusing, i know) allowance is a personal choice. i personally do not use that at all. my children are all in sports, dance etc. i bought them a season waterpark pass etc. that is enough. if they want something they don't have they have the option to ask for extra-cleaning the yard, folding laundry (that is the only thing i do alone) making my bed, etc. then they can earn money for extra items they want. we also reward chores in the form of family outings-we arent rich so allowance plus expensive family time isn't an option. i dont agree with allowance, beacause it makes them think they need money for every favor. it has worked with my older ones. when we go to friends homes to eat, whos kids do you think are helping with no one asking them too?  mine. yes we have a schedule, a little one. more like rules. again, consider my ages! no tv before 6pm in winter, that should be used for homework or even a video game is better thatn vegging out. like i said earlier, "calm down time' is 8:30- (8yr goes to bed @ 8:30, other 2 @9:00) they can do whatever, as long as they are quiet. my kids bathe everyday, no matter what, in the evening, they don't choose their shower time. it is after supper and snack-period. because of that they wear pjs 2 or 3x in a row. they go to bed an hour later, so it isn't like it is dirty. in the summer-they cannot change clothes everytime they swim-hang em out or ride your bike to dry (lol). if you have little ones, the laundry thing is hard to beat-good luck with that. i only wash sheets about every 2-3 weeks when everything else is done, and my kids strip their own beds and remake them, except my 8 year old, i help him a little. also to cut your washing bill-make sure you use cold water only. it doesn't really make a difference in the clothing, and it doesn't evaporate like hot water does. i wash my hot water stuff in the sink and hang dry. i have never used hot water in the washer, they sell cold water wash laundry det. also.-as far as what to entertain them with while you clean? get them interested in a project-coloring fingerpainting (highchair time???) watch a 1/2 movie, anything. i told mine, it was mommies time. if they got up, i would "play a game with them, to keep them there-set a timer, use fun talking, keep them talking to you-" o my gosh, you guys are doing so good, letting mommy finish up" o i am almost finished! make a quick stop and say i love that picture, can you do one more?? please, for grandma?? it works. just stay consistant for about 3-4 times and then youll see the difference. my kids knew after about 2 times. you might be interupted at first, but they will get it. my kids used to say to the other, "mommies almost done!" or they would know it was cleaning time when i would get out the coloring books-that is another thing i don't allow then to play with everything at once. like if they have barbies, no markers also. if they have hot wheels out, no leggos until they are picked up. etc. keep to one theme and they have to pick it up before they get out the other.

  4. 1.  No I do most of my cleaning on the weekends

    2. LOL keep things organized with kids let me know when you get this one figured out.

    3. No cleaning schedule - just basic on week days and major on weekends

    4. YES my kids help or they have no privileges

    5. YES they have a list of chores (dishes, laundry, bathroom, bedroom, cooking)

    6. When they were young I would put on a movie or even dance music and we would dance and clean at the same time.

    7. YES they know which days they need to get what done

    8. I like early mornings to clean for two reasons first I live in Arizona so it is hot I have to beat the heat Second I seem to have more energy.

    9. We do at the least 5 loads a week at the most 8

    10.  I dont use my dishwasher I seem to use less water and electricity that way.  Besides it is good for the kids.

    I hope this helps

  5. I have four kids ages 4 and under with another one in my belly.  This is what I do:

    1.  No I clean all rooms everyday or it would be a disaster.  I do one deep cleaning chore a day M-F, such as washing windows or scrubbing toilets.

    2.  I keep everything organized in bins.  We have a bin for baby books, a couple for toddler books, a bin for transporation toys (cars, etc.), a bin for art supplies, etc.  This way I always know where to throw something and the kids know where to find it.  

    3.  The only schedule I have is to tidy up each day, one load of laundry a day, and one deep cleaning chore as mentioned above.

    4.  My children are required to clean up after art projects.  While I make lunch they run around and pick up their toys and books.  When I am satisfied they get their food.  Before their daddy gets home they run around cleaning again while I start dinner so he can come home to a delicious smelling clean relaxing house.  I give them praise in return, nothing else.  If they do not help they get in trouble.

    5.  My kids are required to do what I mentioned above and make their beds in the morning.  They also bring their dirty clothes to the laundry room.

    6.  My children entertain themselves while I clean or they can volunteer to help me.  I usually have atleast one child who wants to help me out so I can get finished and play sooner.  The others play close to me so I can keep an eye on them.  For instance, if I am cleaning in the kitchen I have them color at the table or do puzzles there.  If I am vaccuuming I give them books to read on the couch.  If they are behaving they are allowed to go into the rec room to play with their toys.

    7.  They wake up whenever they like and make their beds.  They play in their rooms until I get them at 7 a.m.  We go downstairs for breakfast and the children play afterwards while I clean up.  Then we all go back upstairs to change our clothes and brush our teeth.  I then homeschool the kids for a few hours, take them on a field trip, or run errands, etc.  They have freeplay until lunch time while I do my deep cleaning chore for the day.  While I make lunch they clean up their mess.  After lunch is nap time for the small ones.  They clean up again while I make dinner before their dad gets home.  Once they have greeted him they play in their rooms while he changes his clothes and spends time with me in our room.  Then we have dinner and afterwards he plays with the kids while I clean up from dinner.  Next I give baths and we have our before bed routine.  

    8.  Cleaning the kitchen is done after meals bc it just gets harder to clean if you let it slip.  I use non-toxic cleaners for bathrooms.  I clean my bathroom in the morning after I shower.  I clean the downstairs bathrooms during the day after I use them.  I clean the hall bathroom upstairs while giving baths to the older two children bc they like to wash their own hair.  The children clean the toys which just leaves me with things like windows, baseboards, etc. which I mentioned above that I do before lunch.  

    9.  Since we have 6 ppl currently in our house I do one load a day.  I mix everyone's laundry together.  I start it in the mornings and usually fold it while the younger kids are sleeping in the afternoon.

    10.  I run my dishwasher once a day.

  6. I have to clean 7 days a week and there is a chore list and everything . It sucks but it has to be done .

  7. Have everyone take on chores and make a schedule to do the jobs.  I only do laundry on Thursdays, mopping/vacuuming is done on Fridays, bathrooms get cleaned on Saturdays/Sundays.  

    Get the kids to help.  My daughter is 20 months and she knows how to put her toys away.  I also get my husband to do chores around the house like fill up the dishawsher.  

    When you're pregnant you can't do everything everyday.  You have to pick and choose and once you get caught up with a clean house, then all you have to do is spend a little time everyday to maintain that.  You can do it!  I just had a new baby and the pregnancy was tough, but I just made sure I did a little everyday and I eventually caught up.

  8. I have a house keeper come every 2 weeks. She does all the heavy cleaning.

    1. No, I clean what needs to be cleans when it needs it, so sometimes one room sometimes all of them

    2. I have a tote for my cleaning supplies and a book self and storage boxes with lids for the toys

    3. No, I work full time and go to school full time so I do it on the weekends.

    4. Nope not old enough

    5. See #4

    6. She stays in the playroom and watches Elmo.

    7. When it comes to cleaning or playing no.

    8. Weekends

    9. I try to do laundry when I can. This way it does not pile up. I do a few loads during the week and all the rest on the weekends.

    10. I run the dishwasher as soon as its full. If that's everyday then so be it, if its every 3 days then that's it.

    Water rates will not be an issue the amount that they raise it may only cost you $1 to $5 per month. Don't worry about it.

  9. 1. We generally do a light cleaning every day and then on the weekend purge through everything that was thrown to the side. My great grandmother Jennie inforced to us that there was to be no junk lying around when company was over. We abide by that rule as much as possible.

    2, We have a schedule on the calendar for the day's events. Also, we have color coded bins with pictures on them for easy finding and returning of toys.

    3. No schedule- when it's dirty, clean it. If you put it away right after you take it out, it will be so much easier. Especially if you inforce this with your child.

    4. All the time. We are so busy, every hand helps

    5. Yes. They get paid 50 cents for every chore they do. Very good rewards system and it keeps everyone motivated.

    6. We don't entertain. Sometimes we play music, but not all the time.

    7.  For cleaning ? Just the chore list, written on a whiteboard. Everyone's name and chore, and the days of the week. If you do the chore, you get a check and 50 cents

    8. When it needs to be done. Usually after meals is the peak.

    9. We do about 12-15 loads a week. With 11 people, I don't think that's bad at all. We wear clothes twice (unless dirty) and pj's 2 or 3 times- they wear out faster too is you wash them all the time.

    10. Wash containers and big things that take up a lot of space by hand. That way there's space for plates and bowls and cups.

    ~Liz (Alicia's mom)

  10. 1. Do you clean one room a day.. no I just clean things as they need to be done.

    2. How do you keep everything organized. I use storage bins and those drawer carts from wal-mart. I don't allow clutter to develop I have a place for everything.

    3. Do you do cleaning schedule. No just as things need to be done

    4. Do your kids help you out with cleaning and want do you give them if they help you. Yes they have chores to do such as sweeping, mopping, dusting, picking up, emptying dishwasher, vacuuming, etc...

    5. Do your kids have chore list. Yes

    6. What do you enterain your children while you clean, they are older so they entertain themselves or they help.

    7. Do you have routine or schedule plan for your children. For cleaning? Yes they each have two chores per day. We have a basic routine otherwise but it's not a strict one, we are flexible.

    8. When you do the cleaning. whenever it seems to fit into the schedule, when they are in school I do most of it in the morning after they leave, in the summer I do it when I have time.

    9. How much laundry you do. If you could short laundry during the week how do you do it. We are a family of 6 and I do a couple loads a day. If I skip a day then I end up with about 4 loads. I also wash all bedding  and throw rugs once a week.

    10. I have dishwasher. But it acting like it filled up in one or two days. we use a dishwasher. I wash morning dishes by hand and then load the rest through out the day and run it at bedtime.

  11. 1. We do a light pickup of every room daily. Deep clean twice a week.

    2. By not having an abundance of "stuff" in the house. Just furnature, my daughters toys (limited, she doesn't have tons of c**p to leave laying around or I will throw it away).

    3. Not right now. When the new baby gets here, we probably will schedule laundry a little more efficiently.

    4. My daughter does. If she doesn't keep her things picked up when she isn't using them, I throw them away. She gets to keep her things for cleaning...simple as that.

    5. Not really as of yet. She's in charge of her things, and her room (what she can do anyhow), she puts her laundry in the hamper, and helps fold it up once washed, she sometimes helps wipe down surfaces too. She tried to sweep lol...but she's still to little and kind of makes a bigger mess than anything.

    6. I do the cleaning after the kids are in bed for the most part. If they are up, on goes the music and I'm dancing around picking up with them.

    7. Not right now.

    8. light cleaning daily, heavy cleaning 2 times a week. Usually once the kids are asleep, or playing with daddy.

    9. About 5 loads a week including my husbands work uniforms. 1 shared load for him and I, 1 load for each of the kids, 1 for linens, 1 for his uniforms. Sometimes theres an extra load in there.

    10.We have a nice dishwasher too, but my husband better prefers doing them by hand. He's in charge of the kitchen for the most part, we made that agreement when we moved in together a little over 6 years ago lol. I hate the kitchen!

    You don't mention a man in your life. If there is one, tell him to help out. Otherwise you'll be playing maid for the rest of your life. Do a little each day, so that everything stays clean. For the most part all I have to do is tidy, and vacuum at the end of the day. Tell the kids to pick their stuff up, or they will loose whats left in the floor. My daughter turns 4 on Nov.2, she's been picking up after herself for ages now. After loosing most of her toys, she learned pretty quick to pick up her mess. We'll do the same with our son (7 months old) Laundry is just what it is...a load a week for each person. Eliminate clutter, that will help with staying organized. Anything that you haven't used in the last couple don't need. To entertain, turn on some music and dance around the house while cleaning! It keeps you in great shap as well lol. Washing the dishes by hand saves water! You can get the water efficient "slow flow" faucets and shower heads. Wash your clothes in cold water. Check the pipes for leaks. Cut showers short by 5 mins. Put bubbles in the fills the tub up more, but you tend to use less water when there's bubbles.

  12. LOL get it done now!!!  I'm 32 weeks preggo and I'm exausted from my 21 month old daughter AND the cleaning!!!  I do it everyday, much to my dislike.

    1. NO!  I keep it up everyday about 3 times a day and I get my daughter to help me out, she gets a treat if she does all that I ask (usually picking up the books and crayons kind of stuff).  It keeps her busy and I can get the other stuff clean!

    2.  Yes.  I take all the stuff I don't know what to do with that we won't use until after the baby is born and store it away in a box.  I also go through the toys once a month and get rid off all the stuff we don't want or pack some away.  I also divide the toys so that every month we switch them up.  It keeps it interesting.

    3.  Yes.  I leave washing the floors to two days a week, laundry on a certain day and other chores on certain days, unless something comes up and I do it the day before.

    4.  Yes.  She does the small jobs I don't want to bend over for and she gets cookies, smarties or something else sugary.  She LOVES to help for a treat.

    5.  No.  She's too little for that just yet.

    6.  She either helps out or she goes in the play pen until I'm done.  On the weekend I get Daddy to take her out for a couple of hours so that I can get the deep cleaning done, like under the stove and fridge and the insides and cleaning her room.

    7.  Yes.  We get up at 7, breakfast 7:30, snack at 10, nap at 11 - 1, lunch at 1 when she wakes up, snack at 3:30, supper at 5:30/6 depending on when Daddy gets home and another snack at 7:30 then bed by 8:30.

    8.  I get up at 5 am with hubby and clean the kitchen and frontroom before she gets up and then during the day pick up another couple of times and a few sink loads of dishes and cooking.  I clean the other rooms usually during the afternoon nap or while she's playing.

    9.  Do it as it comes!!!  As soon as I have a load of whatever, it goes in.  It works out to about 7 loads a week for 2 adults and one little girl.

    10.  Don't have a dishwasher and I do them as I go.

    Good tip, to save water expenses, bath the cleanest kid first and make them all use the same bath water!!!  We do this with our daughter and ourselves and we save a LOT of money.

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