
Parents in R&S: Has anyone ever challenged their child's public school curriculum?

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How did it go? Details are appreciated. Y!A thinks this should go in Hockey.




  1. Yes, The Holocaust got a two sentence mention in a history book. The school did listen and took the kids to the Simon Wiesenthal Center in LA. I liked California schools.

  2. Yes, when the Department of Defense and "Project Starbase" started introducing curriculum suggestions.  And yes, I do agree that science and technology related careers are important components to national security and readiness... but influencing young minds in grade school with military propaganda isn't the right way to get kids interested.

    EDIT:  Yes, the school dropped the curriculum additions and created an after-school "club" with voluntary participation.

  3. Unfortunately, I was never in the position to do so.

  4. If it it legal and lawful, why would one?

    All the best.

  5. If we can afford it we are putting our kids in a private school when it comes time. I would be appalled the day my kids come home with a book that says My 2 Mommies on it.

  6. MANY times!!  It started in 2nd grade with the Hooked on Phonics c**p.  And not giving actual grades anymore.  Geesh, don't even get me started.  

    Edit: No they did not.  I finally realized I was going to harm my daughter more by causing a stink over it.  So I started supplementing her education at home. Now that she is in high school, the curriculum is MUCH better and the teachers are much more accomodating.

  7. Redirect: Home & Garden > Cleaning & Laundry

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