My partner and I are a tad little upset with his parents at the moment. (Prior to this - we would visit his parents afew blocks away often, stay for tea or long enough to have a good chat, but then things went alittle ugly between the father-in-law and his daughter from a previous relationship, so alot of backstabbing started to happen. Partners brother & wife would say this and that to us about the parents and vice versa. So we slowed down on seeing his parents. *Hope that makes sense) Anyway, lately his mother has gotten annoyed that we don't go over there and see them and they are always going out to see their family then the other way around. Which both partner & I find offensive, when they have hardly come around to our house. Anyway - His brother & wife recently celebrated the arrival of their 4th boy. We recieved a photo from the parents last night with the whole family besides us (or at least to my point of, without my partner). I don't know if I should talk to mother-in-law about the photo... I know her response will be to do with that he was working when the photo was taken... But I know for a fact that when it comes to a photo of this importance - he would have tried hard as to be there... I'm just not too sure if I should try and talk to her or just leave it...
(To us, family is important, and you need to capture these moments as much as you can!)
Please try to be understanding and not too harsh. I just need some other points of views and all)