
Parents letting your little boy/girl go...?

by  |  earlier

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1.) ok parents how hard is it from 1-100 to let your child go and grow up (by this i mean having s*x, moving out and etc.)?

2.) do you think at the age of 17 is ok to start having s*x, and yes protection will be used? why or why not?

3.) at what age should the child be able to stay out from 9:00-11:00?

thanks and please remember our child is smart, and not a stupid teen




  1. You need to clarify your scale, honey. 1=easy or hard?  100=easy, or hard?

    1) I can imagine how hard it would be for some folks to "let go" as yo say, but for me, I will teach my child about ABSTINENCE and getting a good education before moving out.  Once that is done, it would be easy for me and my wife.

    2) I think when my child is MARRIED is okay to have s*x, with or without protection.

    3) My child will be out that late anyway by participating in extra curricular activities (band, football game, etc) and I will pick him up.  If he is out, he will be out with friends.  Lastly, so long as he is living under MY roof, he WILL come in at a respectable hour so as to not disturb the house when he comes in.

  2. I don't think there is a right answer for when someone should start having s*x.  I mean, it is supposed to be saved for marriage.  So will I ever tell my daughter "ok, you are old enough now" absolutely not.  However, I know there is no way to stop it, so I will be sure that she is very educated about how and when she can get pregnant and the importance of safe s*x (contraception and STDs).

    My daughter is 15 and doesn't have a particular time to be home.  As long as I know where she is and who she is with, she can stay until I am ready to go to bed, then I want her home.  

  3. I'm a Mum-to-be

    My Mum knows I'm sexually active, took her a while to round it properly, shes OK with it now,I wouldn't be able to move out yet, if I brought it up she'd flip and moan that I'm taking too much on at once [I'm 15, pregnant thru rape & my boyfriend is living with me at the moment]. My Mum said its upto me when I have s*x, make sure I'm in a good relationship and I'm not getting pressured into it. My mum said after I have my daughter she'll provide protection for me. I think its OK depending on the persons maturaty, like if they were immature then I would say it wasn't OK they were having s*x but if they were mature and knew what they'd do if they got pregnant and everything then I'd say it were ok. I'm 15 and I have to be in my street for 9:30 in house for 10 unless I'm out with my boyfriend and my Mum knows where we are7

  4. 1. It is never easy. It is always 100 percent difficult to let yourchild go.

    #2.nO it is not ok to start having s*x at age 17. In this day and age there are so many consequences when you have s*x.Diseasess, pregnancy, etc. She should wait until she is capable of dealing with the consequences as an adult.

    #3. If she is a smart kid and you trust her and she has a pretty good head I'd say that she is old enough to stay out till 11. But only if she can come home on time and if she screws up then thaprivilegege should be taken immediately.

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