
Parents mad at me what should i do

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i just went to the mall today, a very large mall (30-40 mins away from our house) with my friend... i hadn't seen this friend in about 2 yrs so i thought it would be cool to catch up and hang out.... i had lots of fun and i was laughing/joking with my friend we had a great time.... now when i come back my little sister told me both of my parents mainly my dad was talking a whole bunch of c**p about me idk for what reason, most likely as to why i went to that mall and not the one close to our home.... answer to that is because the mall i went to is huge has a lot of stuff to see, i don't feel guilty because i just wanted to have a good time... i m afraid that they now think of me as some troublemaker like my sister when she goes out and hangs with her friends but i m not even like that... i have a huge anger/stress problem what is the smartest way to resolve this situation? i m 19 btw Male




  1. Wow, your parents sound really controlling. Why would they care where you went? You're 19 years old. You should be out working and independent of them already. Did you shirk your responsibilities at home or something? I don't see why your parents would even care that you went to a mall. Sheesh. They are overreacting, and you sound a little too  obsessed with what they think of you. I'd ask for clarification from your parents instead of only listening to your sister's version. Don't let yourself get angry or stressed when you ask your Dad about the situation. Simply ask him if he had a problem with your going and what he'd expected you to do. Don't try to defend your position. Simply listen to him.

  2. If they are actually mad because you drove to a larger mall, I think they are blowing it out of proportion. Maybe it's just that you're getting older, which makes different effects on people. You really need to try and figure out what their reasons are before you get yourself too angry. It could be the price of gas. You are 19, so I can't really say because you went out of town. BUT....a lot of parents don't accept that until your under your own roof. Good luck.  

  3.   19 is  old  enough  to  get  employed  and  join the  real  world.  You  are  old  enough to be  at  a  mall other  then  close  home but if you are  still depend on parents  I guess they feel you are  not  grown  up. Many  things   can cause  anger  stress from  bad  nutrtion, drugs,  to mental health.  Improve  nutrtion  and  work on improving  your  mind, education to  work off bad  feelings. Make  some  resonable  goals  and  work on them.    

  4. well your parents are blowing this the wrong way. you where on;y seeing a frined so don't worry you didn't do any thing wrong. and your at the age you can go to this mall your talking about. they will het over it. It should blow over soon

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