
Parents of 3 or more kids?

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We have 2 kids at the moment and have been thinking about having another but was wondering is it harder to add a 3rd child? What I mean is it was a big change just adding a 2nd child and we were wondering how other handled adding a 3rd child to their families?




  1. I not believe it was that big of change the other 2 were ready they help me get things ready and could not wait to bring her home, good luck

  2. It was a much bigger adjustment going from 1 to 2, than it was to go from 2 to 3.  By the time #3 got here, we had learned how to deal with the tantrums in stereo and getting places with 2 kids, so adding a third to the mix didn't upset the routine too much. Just takes us a little longer to get stuff done at times. :)

  3. It's not a massive change.

    Just make sure you can make time for all of them individually.

  4. i think the change from one to two was more of a drastic change than adding the third child to the family.  when you only have one it seems so much more calm and you have alot more time to focus on the needs of your only child.  you have lots of time to get the baby ready and make it look nice and pack the diaper bag just right and then the second come alongs and blows all of that out of the water so when  the third comes along theres not much changing, just one more baby to pack out to the car and a few more diapers to put in the bag, lol.  really it's not that bad, i wouldn't change it for anything.  i have three wonderful daughters.  ages 5,3 and 1.

  5. i have 3 kids and they are all under 2 yrs apart.  i had 3 kids in 3 yrs.  my kids are perfectly fine and there is no change except for more laundry, more dishes, etc.  if you wanna have a 3 go for it.  there's nothing wrong with  having 3 kids.

  6. Saving for one for college was expensive, saving for two really effected us and when the 3rd came along we said he's on his kiddin, we have all 3 in the florida prepaid plan. We had a 4 bedroom house so we were able to handle the 3rd without too much trouble...3 or 2 it doesn't seem to be much of a diff...but I'm Dad and I let things run off back like water off a duck's wife may answer

  7. It can be huge, you'll need bigger vehicles, maybe a bigger house. And don't forget, worst of all... you'll be outnumbered. Just like flies on a dead opposum, you'll realize just what you did when it is too late.

  8. They way I looked at it was that I already had 2, what's one more...then I had twins! lol

    But really, even with adding them, it wasn't that big of a deal. The most difficult thing to adapt to when having kids isn't the changing of diapers or the feeding's being a parent, getting used to the idea and changing some of your habits that you may have had before you had kids. Seems to me that you're already used to parental life being as since you already have children.

    Trust me...adding another is way easier than having your first.

  9. We have 5 kids , ages 10 to 22.... Time management is important, but other than that the more the merrier....

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