
Parents of Girl Marines?

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What kinda of changes did you notice in your daughter when she graduated from boot camp? How did you feel about your daughter's decision?




  1. I am married to a marine..Ive noticed the female marines around base are very stuck up. But also my husband always says they are s***s. Not saying your daughter is a s**t but that seems to be the big thing here at Camp Lejeune. But the female marines have very important jobs in the corps. They usually work with IPak, Dpak and all the things that go along with Administration and pay. I believe whoever wants to support their country wether they be male or female are very brave and I support them.

  2. There are no "Girl Marines."

    All of the females who are Marines are adult women.

  3. I am girl d@mmit lol

    I am Woman Marine veteran and can tell you what my parents told me the changes they saw in me.

    I wasn't as immature and ignorant ads i was was going in. I ( this is gonna sounds cliche but its what they said ) had a sense if discipline. My dad told me jokingly that i might kick has a$$ now lol.

    I come from a big time military background. Everybody on my Dad's side was in the military. So I was encouraged to join the military. My Dad wanted me to join the Navy like he did , but i wasnt having that NO WAY! I wanted to a be a Marine, and I did. And they are proud of me.


    Woman Marines don't act struk up we act with a sense if disapline. And im am totally offended with the s**t remark. Guys are always going to say that woman who have s*x and like it are s***s. It's always okay for men to have s*x but when a woman has s*x we are automatically s***s.

    Woman Marines make a tiny percentage of Marines so we are surrounded by men. Lots of men who like to start rumors. It makes me soo pissed off to here , especially from a woman about Woman Marines are s***s.

  4. I didnt want to say it but since it has been said. Yeah very promiscuous, but then again the guys are much worse. The girls stand out though. Not all but most are. I am sure if your brought your daughter up right, abd she has morals and respects herself she will be just fine.


    I would say that it is safe to say a majority of the stories were not made up. Not from my days in the barracks gotta love those IPAC ones. But seriously not all are like that I knew like 3 that held it down and keep it real.

  5. She had a mustache and could kick my *ss!!

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