
Parents of a jonas brothers crazed girl(s)?

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what do you actually think of the jonas brothers and their music?

is it annoying that we love them so much?

also what do you think about all the posters we put up in our rooms?

(if your daughter does at all)

i won't get offended by any means but i'm just kinda curious.

my dad, who went to a concert with me and my friends said they were actually pretty talented and put on a good show.




  1. Jess, I'm glad you asked, so here goes MY $.02(thanks, Monty!)!:

    Heck, I'm 71 YEARS OLD(female), and I'm SICK AND TIRED of you Jona$$Freaks CONTINUOUSLY "infecting" Y!A w/ your "Nick's HAWWWT!!!...and HE'S MINE, b***h! BACK OFF!" stuff!...

    The ONLY New Jerseyites that SHOULD fit this category here(and are more popular than the JoBros!) are:

    1) The ENTIRE Sinatra Family:Frank, Frank Jr., Tina, Barbara...

    2) FRANKIE MUNIZ!!!...even I HATE this guy!

    3) Danny Pintauro(Who's the Boss?)

    4) Bruce Springsteen!

    ...and too many others to list here!

    Monty's right, as usual!...and even Dr. Sarcastic should speak up on this Jona$$-induced "pandemonium!

    PAGING DR. PHIL!!!...PAGING DR. PHIL!!!...we need your HELP here!

    One more thing, Jess:you're a truly rare exception to a Jonas Brothers fan:NORMAL, not a wacked-out psycho!...that's why we're proud of you!

  2. My mom and dad are sick of all the No-talented Disney-Channel stars, they're sick of them. And I'm with my parents on this. My dad went to their concert here on Sunday with my little cousin. He said he was holding his head from all the horrible music and singing, along with all the crazy 11-year old girls screaming "I love you Joe Jonas." Gah, even seeing that line makes me gag.

    No talent, what-so-ever. Try looking up Celine Dion, THAT is real talent.

    Jonas Brother's sound like screaming rats on fire.

  3. the jo bros r hotttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt...;...

  4. lol

    my mom likes and dad like them

    lol my dad especially was extremely surprised on how good of a show they put on.

    oh and my wall.

    haha i had to ask my mother if i could fill the whole thing up cause i was like half way there at one point. but thats the only wall im aloud to do.

    my mom said she doesnt care  lol

  5. haha. my mom is sitting next to me and she went to 4 concerts and said tht they are AMAZING musicians and know how to entertain a bunch of CRAZY GIRL FANS. lolz. she says tht they are very cute too. i am going to see them and meet them with my best guy friend in the whole world

  6. my mom thought they were cute (like in an adorible way...nothing sketchy) but she didnt really know any of their songs

    then she went to a concert with me and i looked over at her when nick was giving his whole speech thing on diabetes before he sings a little bit longer and she was crying after the concert she was RAVING about them and how great they are....she was even inspired to get me and my siblings involved in "following our dreams"

  7. my parents think that they are okay. and I get everything that I want.  my whole entire room is full of them and they dont care. they actually buy me that stuff.  

  8. my mom doesn't like them. my dad called them fruits.

    lol. i'm serious, too. she's sick of Miley Cyrus and

    all the Disney kids that they keep talking about. she

    still has no clue what they really do.

    my dad... lets not go there. lol.

  9. I think the jonas brother suck( no offense)

  10. just like nsync and the backstreet boys, you guys will look back a couple of years later and say why the h**l did i like those guys, just remember i said that ; )

  11. I think that they're positive role models for kids, so they're better to be obsessed with than a lot of other celebrities.

  12. Well, my parents actually like them. and they don't mind that I'm obsessed with them,

  13. I don't like any of their songs.Not one..lmao..

    And I don't find any of them the least bit attractive.

    It is extremely annoying that I find more articles about the jonas brothers and other celebrities than anything of any REAL importance..

    I don't have a daughter (I'm only 17 anyway) but posters are fine as long as if it's tasteful.

    I remember when my older sister was my age, she hung a poster over her bed of a half-naked guy...weird...and creepy if ya ask me.

    I'd like to see more "young people" or even just people in general with more taste, class and understanding of what's really important.

  14. i love them so much, more than a lot of fans i think..but i am not crazy, like i don't claim them to be mine, and when i went to their concert, i did get a tiny tiny bit annoyed with these girls behind me that did not stop screaming the entire time!

    i loved listening to them and seeing them, and i want to meet them so badly! but i am not a freak about it like some girls

    but,my walls are covered ha

    my parents think it is a bit overwhelming in my room, but they don't have anything against the jonas brothers...they think that they are good role models

    my brothers on the other hand, they ALWAYS trash talk them and stuff

    ugh, i get sick of it



  15. my parents actually like them! =]

  16. My mom supports my addiction..She loves them a non creepy kinda way..she knows all the songs and I made a 264 question quiz she passed..Just in case there was a competition for tickets or something..My mom would win..MUaHAHAHAHAH

  17. Oh, well, here goes nothing:

    I'm not a parent, but if MY daughter did that stuff to her bedroom walls, I'd GROUND HER!...then MAKE her clean it all up(burn, baby, burn!...burn those posters in the fireplace!), and then paint it Miami-Dade TURQUOISE!...then FORCE HER to listen to Linkin Park, Def Leppard, Michael Jackson and Madonna 24/7 until she promises to shun ALL her "friends and classmates" who have NOTHING ELSE on their minds and iPods than those NO-TALENT LOSERS!...

    I'd strictly control whose "friends" are on her MySpace page, and if they say(or even hint at) "JONA$$ SISSIES 4EVER!", they're NO LONGER welcome to even live in MY city, let alone go to the same high school with my daughter!

    JONAS-HATERS UNITE!...BTW, I'm 38 years old!

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