I have a 4-yr old autistic grandson who I am raising. He showed autistic traits early on but he turns 4 in August. He has come out of his shell and now communicates freely and plays, pretends, laughs, he is very happy. However his speech is limited and not clear, he can say some sentences "I don't want it", "come back" "good Morning, it's cold, and he can name a lots of things such as colors and parts of his body. He has no concept of "how old are you", kind of abstract like stuff he doesn't understand, and you cannot hold a conversation with him. But he seems very smart and he is a very loving little boy, says thank you, please, i love you, stuff like that. The worst thing is his social behavior, impatience, how he reacts when he doesn't get what he wants. I would like to know what is the best way to deal with the behavior part as this is the worst of it, the other stuff we can deal with but the behavior gets him kicked out of all day cares? Advice, please ???