
Parents of big families, this one is for you!?

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What are some tips keeping everyone happy? I have 5 kids and my tip is my kids fight over dishes. For me it's buying everything with names on it, or adding names with a sharpie.




  1. Well I only have 2 kids but I am the Sharpie queen as well, they are close in age. And I don't know what I would do with out Ziploc bags for all their little toys, I have girls. We also make little charts for whose turn it is on things and cross off the initial of who fed the cat last etc.

    My mom had a great method, there were 3 of us. She got tired of the constant battle over cleaning so she made a job jar. She put whatever jobs she wanted done and after school we each drew 3 jobs and did them. She would say "you drew it you do it" that way no one could say "you always make me do that". Now that I am a mom I think it is quite creative. You could make different jars for different age levels. There is only 4 years between the 3 of us.

  2. Ever watched the family from Arkansas with 17 kids?  Use color coding, sharpies, chart system, reward system, etc..  I saw one big family that used a 'money' system.  Their last name started with a D (can't remember it, so call em the Dubberly's) and called the money Dubberly Dollars.  For good behavior, chore completion, good grades, good attitude, etc., they were rewarded with these dollars.  They added them up and were given actual money to use when they went shopping.

    God bless ya, Hon.

  3. Well, I have seven kids and little patience for that. If someone fights over a dish, I give them one chance to compromise and resolve the issue. If it doesn't happen,I get rid of it. Even the two year old knows better.

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