
Parents of children 4-6 is Darn a bad word?

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Do you consider darn a bad word for your children to say. I was at my friends house earlier and her little brother (4) said darn it, (just darn it as it is writen)

and like her mom freaked she swatted his butt and put soap in his mouth.

and then another time in my karate class i was working w/ this girl (6) and i told her she was pretty darn good. And she goes into beserko mode telling the teacher i said a bad word.

when i was little i wasn't able to say d**n but i could say darn. Is this a new thing




  1. idk, but every1 seems to make a big deal out of everything. darn is NOT a bad word. actually, my little cousins are much worse. i wish they'd say darn


  2. Darn isn't a bad word. There is no doubt about it. d**n is though.

    Some people are just weirdos. If I was the little girl I would've just accepted the compliment (she won't be a very pleasant adult when she's older).

    Just my opinion.

  3. Dam:

    1: a body of water confined by a barrier

    2 a: a barrier preventing the flow of water or of loose solid materials (as soil or snow); especially : a barrier built across a watercourse for impounding water b: a barrier to check the flow of liquid, gas, or air.

    Is it a bad word?

  4. my 4 yr old says darn all the time, I rather him say that than d**n but i guess is up to the parents to teach their kids what they think is appropriate and whats not. To each his own.

  5. Darn isn't bad.  The mom is worse, you know what it can do to swallow soap?   They have all kinds of perfumes and chemicals in it now.  

    Darn is okay to me.

  6. nope but d**n is darn is not

  7. I don't think it's a 'bad word,' even for a young kid, but my parents wouldn't have liked it. Their reasoning, I think, was that it's a hair away from cursing and so shouldn't be used; it gets you in the habit of using words like it, and it may also make you think of the other word. Anyway, I don't think it's a new thing, just a different perspective.

  8. When my niece was little, I got into trouble for saying the word butt in front of her once, as in, "sit in that chair on your butt." It had to be bottom.

    I don't cuss, I tend to say c**p or man.  My niece is now 11 and  I said c**p in front of her over something silly, like dropping my keys, and I got a phone call from my sister about my inappropriate language!

    I don't get it...

  9. Darn itself is not a bad word.  But how it is being used may be, typically by children a bit older.  Lots of kids nowadays are pretty smart and have gotten into substituting other words for swear words...but the intent is the same.  The 6yr old girl in your Karate Class probably can't distinquish intent and probably had an older sibling that was corrected for using the word in such a way.  I wouldn't get weirded out by it, but it gives you a pretty good idea on how people can be easily misinterpreted or midjudged.

  10. Whether darn is a bad word or not is a standard for you alone to set for your own children, but one thing is for sure: respect is always a good word, as in respecting one's right to parent appropriately.

  11. no and even if he said d**n it, it would have been something he picked up from an adult and wouldn't have known it was really bad anyway

  12. I have no issues with darn.  I darn yarn all the darn time.  I even darn very expensive socks when I get a darn hole in the toe three darn weeks after buying them!   I think the young girl didn't understand the difference, but your friend was out of control.

  13. for little kids darn is not a good word to say....

  14. i don't think darn is a bad word

  15. for my daughter (who's 5) we've divided "bad words" into three categories: little, medium and big. darn and heck are little. d**n and h**l are medium. we don't care if she says any of the little ones, and she can get away with saying a medium one from time to time if the situation calls for it. she can only say a big bad word under extreme or special circumstances-  like one time she told me that a friend of hers said something really bad and mean to her, and when i asked her what it was she said she couldnt tell me because it had a bad word in it. so i gave her permission to repeat it. her friend had said the "F" word. so it was okay since she was telling me what someone else said. there's a big difference between that word and "darn". some parents are just over-protective.

  16. i think for little kids yes. but 4 us, nope.

  17. I don't consider darn a bad word, but rarely hear a child say it. My kids are 7 and 3 and I do consider, hate, stupid, dumb, and any potty talk to be "bad" words........

  18. Darn is not and bad word, but neither is d**n.

  19. yah darn is a pretty darn bad word. DARN RIGHT' (:

    lol i darnly suggest they replace it. Like, instead of usually darn every few darn seconds, they can maybe use dang?(:

  20. are you sure they didn't hear u wrong?

  21. Lol, I don't concider darn to be a bad word.  I WISH my 3 year old would say darn instead of d**n!  I overheard him yelling to my oldest son, who is 6, that he didn't flush the d**n toilet!  It took all I had not to laugh, and to tell him we don't use that word.

  22. If you are between 4 and 6 it is.  Shut up is also considered a bad word.

  23. its just one  of those things where you say might as well curse because that why we say darn because it replace d**n

  24. not at all my kid started saying that word before that

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