
Parents of children that had tonsils and adenoids surgery?

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I would like to hear how did it go for your child , for how long did he had pain , any complications , is he doing better , the same , worse ? Does your child have allergy to milk , eggs or wheat ?

Sometimes tonsilitis is caused by allergy .

My 5 yr old will have a surgery and I am very anxious . I heard in some cases it doesn't really help much to remove the tonsils.




  1. I don't have a child that has had the surgery but I am an adult who had it at age 23. From experience, if he needs it, just do it, I needed it but people kept saying 'she'll grow out of it' or 'you don't even know if it will help'. It did help and I didn't grow out of it, and finally I had it done myself. But it hurts so much more during recovery as an adult, and on average it takes longer, I was down for 4 straight weeks.

    Children recover very well in comparison to adults, usually in  about a week. I had one complication at the 2 week mark (when you are supposed to be able to eat normal foods and almost healed) I had a blood clot at the base of my tongue that had to be removed and re-cauterized (while I was awake). This complication is not uncommon in adults, about 40-50% but in children only about 3-5% will have it. It wasn't life threatening but it did restart the 2 week timer for healing because it was a fresh opening.

    My tonsilitis symtoms were likely caused because I am a carrier of Group B Strep (not Group A that causes strep throat, B is a bacteria that stays in you). About 30% of people are carriers and may not even know unless they get pregnant and are tested specifically for it. If you tested positive and had to be given antibiotics during labor he may be a carrier too, not a bad thing just sometimes the bacteria can live in the throat and cause problems.

    Basically, it may not help but if there is a chance do it while he's young. At least you can look for other means of controlling the issues. He will recover very fast in comparison to an adult and it will probably not even slow him down for more that a couple of days.

  2. At age 5 she got both removed.  she got constent sore throats and snored like darth vader.

    The surgery went fine and was over fairly quickly.  She was in bad pain a few days and ate lots of jello and icecream but after a week was just a bit tender.  Now she hardley has sore throats and she will be 8 this month.  and the snoring stopped as well.

    She has no food allergies but is allergic to certain trees, dogs and cats, and dust mites.

    The removal was due to sore throats thought, not allergies.  Id look into a second opinion on that.

  3. My son had his out in Feb. and he is much better than before. He is so much happier because he feels better. The surgery was about an hour, the recovery time is 2 weeks but my son was jumping around after just a few days. He was in pain at first but they should give him meds to help and he will be sedated from the medicine. He did not have any complications nor does he have any allergies. His tonsils were bad for about 2 years, he missed quite a few days of kindergarten. He hasn't been sick since before the surgery.

  4. My son had this done when he was 3 1/2 years old.... and they put tubes in his ears at the same time. We are very blessed and thankful. He is now 7 yrs old and very rarely gets sick. He has no allergies... it was due to ear infections and he was so full of fluid it was affecting his hearing, which was interfering w/ his speech.

    I had read up on things he would be able to eat after the surgery... recipes for smoothies, ice cream, milkshakes, yogurt,etc.... he ate STEAK that night!!!

    The hospital let me go back with him until he went to sleep (anesthesia) .... which I was thankful for, but also the hardest part of that journey for me as a Mom!!

    He was irritable for a couple of days, but stay "ahead" of the medication... don't wait until he asks for it.

    Hope this helps!!

  5. My 6yo daughter had her tonsils/adenoids removed right after Christmas (she was 5yo at the time) and she did great with recovery.  Her pain lasted about 48 hours (controlled by the meds the doctor prescribed), but her throat/ears were a little sore for about a week to ten days.  Her surgery was because she had on going strep infections (5 bouts in about a 6 month period) that meds were not helping and her tonsils were so swollen she was having problems sleeping and eating. As a matter of fact, she said the pain of the surgery/recovery was a lot better then the pain before the surgery.

    She is doing great now.  She is sleeping well, hasn't been sick once since the surgery and has grown about an inch and a half, lol.  Her allergies (weed, tree, grass, etc) are somewhat better, but not gone.

  6. my son was constantly having ear infections and throat infections when he was younger. He would go thru all different types of medicine to see if one worked for him. He would always have high fevers..and a few convulsions because his fevER was so high. We had a few trips to the er room with him.

    He did have both tonsils and adenoids removed...what a big difference. It was exactly what his body needed. Since his operations (over 6 years now) he has not had one infection!!

    It is a pretty basic surgery to be done now a days...the staff were so great to him, so caring..and gave him as many Popsicles as he Now, he was very sick after wards from recovering with sore throat etc..and you have to watch if his throat gets infected..but it was a;ll OK.

    My child has an allergy to penicillin..(he can have eggs and milk tho)

    Asa mom of course you will be anxious!..But rest assure it is a simple operation and only done is need be.

  7. my daughter ahd hers out at 5, she doesnt get sick nearly as much now as she did before, it has really helped her alot. she doesnt have sleep apnea any more either, she has no allergies or anything like that. she wasnt in TOO much pain after all the worry and stress, when she woke up it wasnt 2 hours before she asked for a cheeseburger lol. of course she couldnt have it yet, but the fact that she asked means she wasnt feeling too awfully much pain. she stayed in the hospital overnight, and was home the next day, she had to take it easy on activity for a couple days then she was pretty much back to normal. good luck with your little one, i hope it goes as smoothly  for yours :0)

  8. Your child will get over it. Don't worry!

  9. Not a parent, but I remember having my tonsils out.

    The pain was there for about a week, but the medication helped a lot! Recovery didn't take long at all. I was only out of school for a week. I was still sore for longer than that, but definitely better than always have strep throat.

    I had no allergies to speak of.

    The surgery helped me tremendously.

    Your child will be fine; just try to make him/her comfortable and be prepared to find ways to entertain him/her that don't involve moving too much. (Maybe a handheld game)

  10. I'm not a parent of a kid who needs it, but I had the surgery when I was 6. Both my adenoids and my tonsils were removed at the same time, and now I am MUCH healthier. I used to get chronic ear infections and throat infections because my adenoids and tonsils were swollen, and since I had them removed nearly 12 years ago I have not had a single infection. I went in for the surgery and they gave me the anesthetic through a mask that I held up to my nose and I fell asleep, and when I "woke up" I was in the recovery room. I didn't feel any pain for about an hour, and then it hurt like h**l to swallow. The next day it still hurt a little bit to swallow, and the day after that it didn't hurt at all. I'm doing MUCH better and I didn't have any complications. I went on a family vacation to Hawaii 4 days after the surgery. I was allergic to milk before and I am still lactose intolerant, the surgery won't affect that.

  11. Well i'm a kid [12] but i had my tonsils taken out at 5. They will put you to sleep and wehn you wake up your throat hurts for about a week afterwards and your REALYL grouchy when youi wake up!!

    I snored and had chtronic ear infections until they were taken out.

  12. I'm not a parent but both of my little brothers had their tonsils and adenoids out a few years ago. The clinic didn't give one of them enough fluids and he ended up so dehydrated that he was throwing up uncontrollably and had to be taken to the ER.

    They were both in severe pain for about a week, and general pain for the next two weeks.

    It did help with them getting sinus infections, which was their problem. They are not allergic to milk, eggs, or wheat.

    I recommend ice cream and Jello for things to eat after the surgery, since it hurts them to swallow.

    I really hope this helps! Good luck!

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