i have an extremely bright 5yr (6 in november) that cannot focus! he was doing really well academically until he switched preschools but now his behavior is off the chain! before he had a hard time listening and focusing but he was only 4. someone had mentioned adhd but i brushed it off and just continued working with him. now he cannot stay focused on anything longer than 30 secd. getting him dressed in the morning is impossible because he daydreams, wonders off, or will just sit and sing very loudly. he acts inappropriately in social situations. hes very bright and has a great memory but i am worried about him going to kindergarten in the fall. i am in the process of trying to have him evaluated but seems like a process, and i dont want to pump him full of meds either. just wanting to know others experiences and how i can help him best.thanks - iknow its long.