
Parents of toddlers, any good tips on potty training a 2 year old boy who has no desire to learn?

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My son is 100% resistent to toilet training. I'm trying to be correct, I don't force him, embarrass or harrass him. The potty is always available and I ask him several times a day if he wants to use it-he is adamant with his "No" Any suggestions, or similar experiences?




  1. Two is young, especially for a boy. You really will not be able to train him until he's ready. If he's 100% resistant, then he's not at all ready. I'd recommend leaving the potty out, but don't talk about it until/unless he brings it up or shows interest. Is he waking dry from naps in the morning? Does he hide to have BM's or want to be changed soon after soiling his diaper? Does he have any interest in urination (telling you when he pees, watching daddy go to the bathroom?) Can he undress himself (take off his pants?) These are all signs of readiness. But if he's not interested and fighting it, you're only setting yourself up for failure. No amount of coaxing or bribery will make him ready until he decides. Then, it will be pretty easy, I swear! BTW, the average age for potty training boys is a little over 3.

  2. 2 years old is possible but not typical for boys. Boys are more near 3 before they master potty training. So don't worry about it. Let him watch others use the toilet, make casual comments about how nice it is to wear underpants and have dry pants, no thick, hot, wet diapers, when you're big and use the potty (just drop hints casually, as if you're talking to yourself when you go to the bathroom, and let him "overhear it"). You can't ASK a toddler, they almost always say NO -- my youngest is now 3-1/2 and potty trained himself at 2-1/2 thanks to an older brother and his wanting to be "big" like his brother, but even now, a year into it, if I ASK him "Do you need to go potty", he will exclaim "NO!" and promptly have leak in his pants before running to the bathroom -- if I say nothing, or if I say, don't forget to go potty when you need to, he's more likely to go before the leak springs (because then he's in control, not me). It's better to just calmly say "When you want/need to go potty, let me know if you need some help with your pants" or something. Let them have control of it.

  3. get a book on parenting.........helped me! wife did most of the reading.......but she says it helped!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. You need to wait for your child.  It's not when you're ready, it's when he is ready.  You trying to force him to do it when he's not ready is going to make things far worse and harder than if you just let him go at his own pace.  He will not be in 5th grade still in diapers, it will come soon enough.

  5. Wait.. plain and simple he is not ready i would give him some more time if you pressure him it may make things worse good luck.....

  6. have you ever tried just sticking him on the potty. I have heard that boys are a lot harder to train. I started potty training my daughter when she was 2 and she is now 3 and is completly potty trained you have to stick with it and don't no for an answer when you ask him if he has to go. and if he is still wearing diapers you should switch to either pull ups or nothing but underwear. you can even say come on lets go sit on the potty. you can even try the toilet instead of the little potty

  7. Definately don't try to push it on him, its just going to set you back in the process. Keep on making the potty available but instead of asking him, just put him on the toilet (buy one that plays a song or says a phrase) a few times a day, maybe try and sing him a cute song while doing so, just to make it fun. If he just will not do it, then maybe lay off for a while, it takes some longer than others.

  8. if he is only 2 then dont push it. let him watch dad or older brothers pee. my youngest started at 20 months and his big leap was when i let him pee off the back deck onto the grass. lol. he loved it.

    my oldest son was almost 4. same thing. we were ootside working on the lawn. he was scared to go all the way inside. so i told him to pee ona big rock. he loved it.

    every boy has thier own time line. dont push him. but by all means encorage him!!!

  9. I had the same problem with my son.  I just laid off the potty training for a while.  When he started hiding to go p**p or came to me for a diaper I talked to him about big boys potting in the potty.  When he was closer to 3 is when i pushed the issue and he was easier way easier.

  10. i never had this problem with my 1st son i introduced him to the potty when he was one and i would sit him on the toilet for a few minutes and ready with him and play a game until he would pee or somthing. since your son shows no intrest in using the potty i would stop asking him if he needs to use the potty and start asking him why he prefers wearing a diaper over using the potty like a big boy.  that is the one question you need to the answer to then from the answer you can figure out how toget him to go potty on the toilet

  11. He is not ready.  He needs to have the desire.

  12. Have you ever heard of the phrase "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink" Same applies for potty training. I have a 5 year old son and he wasn't ready to go to the potty until he was 3 1/2. I had been trying to get him to use the potty since he was 2. He finally started going to the potty when he wanted to go to a preschool type thing and I told him that he couldn't unless he used the potty like a big boy. My biggest piece of advise would be don't push it. He will do it when he is ready!! Good luck!!!

  13. I read books to him while he was on the potty.  It got his mind off of what he was doing and he could relax.  Also, his favorite treat was skittles so if he went pee, he got a skittle and if he went poo, he could have three.  I don't consider it a bribe, I consider it a reward for good behaviour.

  14. I started potty training with my daughter at about 20 months.  She wasn't interested.  She eventually started holding in her bowel movements because she was afraid of potty training.  It took her until she was almost 3 1/2 to get fully potty trained.  What worked for us is that we told her no more pull-ups and that if she has to go, she has to use the toilet.  She was obviously of the age and smart enough to understand everything we were saying.  She has fully been potty trained for almost 2 months now.  Potty training was the one area as a parent that I just felt I had failed and was never going to do this right.  My advice for now is to not mention the potty for about a week but leave it there so he can see it.  Then, go out and let him pick some inexpensive toys (like 99 cent toys) and put them in a bag.  Hang them near the potty chair where he can see it.  When he says he wants a toy, tell him he can have one when he goes potty.  Bribery is the best tool I've found.  We bought my daughter a new "littlest pet shop" toy that she picked out every time she went poo-poo.  It worked.

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