My son just turned one on Monday. He had his one year checkup yesterday, and got 5 shots. =( Ever since he had the shots he's been acting like he's ok. He walks around and plays. He's always been a cryer when it came to me being around, but surprisingly he hasn't been too bad. But now he is refusing to take his nap. So much that he's crying to the point of vomiting. I know he's tired. He takes a nap everyday at around the same time. Someitmes not. But he always takes one. Today when I put him down, he wouldn't have it. I gave him his motrin and tylenol for the pain and mild fever. That usually seems to help. But this time no way. Tried giving him a sippy (b/c that calms him down a lot too) nope. Nothing. He won't let me hold him to cuddle. He wants up to play. But he's CRANKY!! what to do??