
Parents of triplets?

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hi! im britt, i have a 7 month old daughter(kaylor) and i am pregnant with triplets, how hard is it to do stuff with 4 kids? i cant drive and neither can my fiancee, what sort of things could we do so kaylor doesnt die of boredom? how do you think she will react to having not one but three younger siblings all of the sudden?




  1. Wait a minute, in another question you answered that you were raped and you got preggo from it.

    And how did you engage the guy who raped you?

    That's nonsense!

    EXPLAIN..cuz' im starting to think (TROLL)!

  2. Well if you can't drive anywhere, you're pretty much out of luck.  Happy walking!

  3. Well I don't have triplets, but like I told you, Zoey is as much work as three. It's different for Zo, because she's older than Kaylor, but I know that when Kat and I came along, Zoey was first in line to be a mommys helper. Since Kaylor still is a baby, she probably won't notice. She won't die of boredem! Once the babies come along, she'll be a year and three months, so maybe she could help with the little ones. Only small things of course, like holding them on the couch and giving them kisses. Just make sure you give just as much attention (I know its' hard..I go through it with Kat and Zoey everyday), so that she won't feel like the new babies are more important than her.

    K guys she's not friends with I know her.

  4. Get a quad stroller and a bus pass. Really though, if you are going to have 4 kids you might want to consider driving.

    At 7 months your daughter should be happy just playing outside and reading books. You don't need to "go" places with babies. I am a stay at home mom and we rarely go more than 5 blocks from home unless we are running errands. I live a couple blocks from the park and the library, and that is more than enough to keep a baby that age happy and busy.

  5. First things first, get your lisence!!!

  6. At 7 months old she probably won't understand what is going on. My baby Lola doesn't have any younger siblings but my second cousin Chloe does and she refers to her sister Lily as "her baby". She almost thinks Lily is a doll. Of course she is taught to be careful with her but all the same.

    Kaylor (nice name btw) is only 7 months old. She should be happy just sitting in the house with all her toys. You don't need to do much to make a 7 month old baby happy.

  7. hey there girly. my brother and his wife had triplet baby boys back in march."a pair and a spare" two are identical twins and the third is the spare. happened naturally. 3 babys is a lot of work and even if you could drive you wouldnt be able to leave much. my brother said that he hasnt been able to enjoy them yet. they are adorable but they are a lot of work (they also have 2 daughters 6 and 7) they are grown and make a good living but it is still very hard for them. i dont know how two 14 year olds are gonna be able to raise 4 kids.  
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