
Parents of twins please answer...?

by Guest34192  |  earlier

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Hi i'm 29 weeks 2 days pregnant with non identical twin boys. When i've asked midwives and doctors when I would give birth, I was told "they'll come out when they're ready!", which got narrowed down to "probably sometime in October". I've also asked about whether I would be having cesarean or natural birth, but was told they wouldn't know till the last few days of pregnancy.

How many weeks were you / your better half when they had your twins, and how were the twins born???

Thanks in advance : ) xx




  1. ours were 9 weeks prem  they are identical but they d tied their umbilical cord in a big knot so as they grew they restricted the blood flow by  the cord tightning up so they whipped them out  with a cesarean . they stayed in  special care   until home time  they had breathing abnia's when fed . very alarming but the nurses and docs were very good . both twins had collapsed lungs at birth but again  was sorted in a few days . it was  very stressfull time and will never forget it but that was 5 years ago and now everything is just   dandy as it will be for you and your boys .  Good luck and just take easy the next few years will be difficult but so very rewarding .

  2. 36 weeks is the normal time for twins xx

  3. Im 29 wks today and im due on 14 nov. But twins are probably different. Good luck. Sorry i couldnt help.. My sister has friends that are twins and she thinks they were born through a c section but shes not sure.

  4. I'm a twin and i was bron from the cesarean procedure and 1 month in advance =]

  5. around 34-36 weeks, its just because twins will not have much room as for ONE baby, its quite common twins are born early. Depends how early your twins would be born, if babies becoming distressed so cesarean will be chance..

    Good luck with tiwns!

  6. Hi,

    I have 9 month old boy/girl twins. throughout the pregnancy we were warned the babies could come anytime from 24 weeks, especially as I have had all my babies early. However the babies had other ideas and hung on in there until 37 weeks, when twin 1 decided enough was enough and broke his bag of waters.

    On arrival at the hospital it was found that I was 4cms dilated and he was coming feet first, his sister was following feet first also so I was rushed in for an emergency c-section.

    They were born within 2 minutes of one another and life simply hasn't been the same since!!

    Good luck with everything, enjoy the peace and quiet now while it lasts!!

  7. I am one of twins and I was born 4 weeks prem.

    Most twins are born prematurely.

  8. I'm 28 weeks pregnant with twin girls, due on 20th November. I'm having a cesarean which I have been told will be scheduled for between 37 and 38 weeks, as long as I don't go into labour any earlier.

    The reason I'm having a cesarean is because my last pregnancy resulted in one and the doc doesn't want the scar to burst with all the pushing from a natural labour.

    It also depends on how your babies are positioned in there. If twin A is head down, you may be able to deliver naturally.

  9. 38.5 weeks when gave birth to my twins.  Both were normal vaginal deliveries.   It was probably the most fantastic experience ever.  I was too late for the epidural so had no pain meds either and that wasn't really where I wanted to go but it turned out fantastic.

    If twin 1 is head down around 36 weeks it is usually possible to go for a natural labour and birth if you want to, and near the end they will keep a very close eye on you and make sure that everything goes well, however you plan it just be prepared to change all your plans with twins and have a medical team you trust..  What is most important is those two healthy boys at the end of your labor.

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