
Parents or caregivers, which diaper is better ? plastic or cloth like?

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explain why is better than other???




  1. When you say "better" what do you mean?  Cloth diapers are most definitely better for the environment, however disposable diapers are easier persay-for a caregiver.  But I would recommend trying the cloth ones as they are the earth friendly option!

  2. I have never tired cloth diapers. Only disposables... of those I have found the huggies fit the best but leak all over the place! The pampers and luvs are the softest and have yet to leak for me however, they fit kind of funny on my daughter....

  3. Cloth is better for the environment of course, but unless you have a local diaper service, which is expensive, to use cloth diapers without the local service sounds like a very smelly choice.  I have 3 daughters with only my youngest still in diapers...I have tried the majority of them and prefer Huggies.  NOT Huggies Supreme which (through many uses) I have found to leak more often than not.  

  4. I think they both have their good and bad points.

    Disposable diapers are easier for everyone to learn how to use and are just that...disposable. You chuck the dirty, wet messes and you're done.

    But disposable diapers fill landfills, can get pretty expensive, and can cause irritation if you don't find the right kind to work with your baby's skin.

    Cloth diapers are softer which means they cause less irritation but they are also harder for people to learn how to use properly and who wants to poke their baby with sharp objects when it's not because of a shot?

    Cloth diapers are also more likely to leak and have to changed RIGHT away after the baby has soiled them or they will stain carpet or clothing.

    They save the environment when it comes to landfills but they still have to be washed, often soaked and bleached so by the time you do all of that, it has the same effect for a different part of the environment.

    I think it depends on your child and your money situation as to which you use.

    If your child's skin is sensitive and you don't mind having to change diapers immediately, go for cloth.

    If it doesn't seem to matter what you put on him and your money is OK for buying a lot of diapers, go for disposables.

    If your child's skin is sensitive but you still want to go with disposables, try borrowing several different kinds from friends or get samples from your pediatrician to see what best suits your baby. Putting unscented baby powder on their inner thighs will help the chafing as well.

    I was a nanny for several different families for over a decade and will say, in my experience, disposables are easier, especially if you have more than one child because cloth diapers take longer to get secured and you don't always have extra time with other tiny bodies running around.

    I have a friend whose daughter wear cloth diapers and she is always soaked through every time I pick her up. That's not good for others nor is it good for the baby.

    This is one of those 'six of one, half a dozen of the other' situations and what matters most is what's best for YOUR family.

  5. I love cloth.  It feels so much better, helps prevent rash, and it's a lot cheaper.  I've never had a problem with leaks.  I recommend them!

  6. if you're referring to disposable diapers, cloth like diapers are much better.  i've found they cause a lot less irritation.  think about it this way: what kind of underwear would you want to wear...a plastic sack or cotton underwear. same thing applies for babies =).

  7. Ok i'm expecting my first baby boy in october, and i have been a child carer for 5years.

    My opinion is in warmer months cloth nappies are better- for boys the disposable nappies tend to make bub sweat more and can stop boys testicles from descending properly (this is only a possibility).  Cloth nappies can also be used to mop up spills etc and used as a spit up colth which you can put over your shoulder while your burping- so they are versitile!

    Disposable are ok - mainly at night time because there is less leakage is you have a very wet baby.

    - for both types of nappies keep in mind you can get nappy liner which can help absorbtion and reduce the staining in cloth nappies.

    Hope this helps

  8. Okay, I'm going to be completely honest here and tell you that I don't have any kids....BUT

    There's this blog that I love online ( and they had a link to this website with eco-friendly diapers. IF I had a baby, I would definitely look into these. They look VERY simple to deal with and they don't seem expensive.

    They're flushable, compostable, etc. They look like they're easy to deal with and don't leave a mess.

    Hope this helps!

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