
Parents or those who want kids someday... What do you fear your kids saying someday?

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Survey for my psychology summer project.

I'm gonna start with: "I'm pregnant."




  1. something along the lines of sexual abuse. My mother, sister, and I were all sexually abused and I DO NOT want that for her.

  2. Well, I have twin boys and when they first started talking, they loved cats. So we would be out at a restaurant eating a nice, quiet dinner, and one of them would yell, "Titties!" Then the other would start in, too. There is nothing more embarassing than a bunch of strangers hearing your little baby boys talking about how much they love "titties!" I'm turning red now just thinking about it lol.

    On a more serious note, I hope that I never have to hear my children say that they are depressed or don't want to live. Teen depression and suicide is so common these days, I really hope I can give my kids the kind of life and love that will prevent that.

  3. im  heroin addict

  4. "I'm Pregnant"

    "I hate you!"

    "You failed me."

    "I'm leaving"

    "I can't take this anymore"

    "I don't want to live"

    "I don't deserve to live."

    "I hate myself"

    "I hate the world"

    "Why me, why did this happen to me?"

  5. I took this question a little differently, I guess.  I fear my kids repeating personal info they hear me and DH talking about.  Like "mommy called daddy an a-hole" or "my mommy said she really doesn't like you that much" something like that.  LOL!  I've learned to watch what I say in front of them but still they are all ears sometimes.

    As for what I fear they will confide in me that I'm not expecting... well just about anything that would be considered harmful to them I guess.  How can you qualify something like that?  it would all be equally terrible.

  6. After surviving an abusive marriage to an alcoholic, I finally divorced and was awarded custody of my children. My worst fear was brought to life recently when my 14 year old daughter, in anger, screamed at me that she wanted to go live with her dad. He has not changed. I have spoken to an attorney and I am now waiting to see if he will try to take me to court to get custody.

  7. i hate you or go to h**l

  8. help the child make the right choice and help thats what family is for. even though mine sucks

  9. Yeah, pretty scary. But I think it would have to be, "Mommy, so-so touched me there" I understand the term, "blind rage" when I think about someone harming my child. I literally think I could be capable of murder if that were to ever happen to her.

  10. The absolute worst thing for me would be anything that could potentially ruin their life. For me I think the things I would dread the most are that they are either on drugs or have a mental illness. I am a former heroin addict with a horrible childhood and past. My heroin addiction took away a big part of my life and I still have flashbacks and problems because of it, I would never want my child to go through that. I will obviously do everything I can to try and prevent it, I just hope it never comes to them actually using.

    The other thing, a mental illness is a big fear of mine. I suffered from depression for many years and have been taking medication for schizophrenia for three years. I know how horrible it is to have a mental illness of any kind and how much you feel like you 'aren't right'. Schizophrenia is the most terrifying thing I have ever experienced as a teenager and I want my child to never know how that feels.

  11. "i got a girl pregnant"

    "im addicted to heroin"

    call from the coroner: "we need you to come down here"

    "somebody bad touched me"

    i completely agree that in any of these situations......i would 100% be capable of murder if any harm is brought to my child this way.

  12. "I'm dropping out of high school" "I killed someone"

  13. "Im pregnant". "Im dropping out of school". "Im going into the army". Im still young, but I already know Ill have a hard time letting go.

  14. i whant kiss you  posy  is your answer

  15. I fear that they will say, "I wanna be a w***e"

  16. "I hate my life."

    or anything like they're suicidal.

  17. I am sexual active and is having s*x.

  18. "You look fat"

  19. "Dad, I'm g*y"

  20. "I hate you", "You ruined my life"

  21. "I don't want to live anymore"

    "You failed as my mother"

    "I'm g*y"

  22. "I hate you."

    Something I wont ever say to my mother. She was tough and very loving at the same time (hey, she was a single mom. she had to be both mom and dad). I love and respect her very much and feel like if my kids ever say that to me for any reason (small or big), I've failed as a parent. Like I said, my mom was tough, but those words have never come out of my mouth no matter how tough she was on us.

  23. they will fear if someones says im dead or in the hospital but will be pissed if i say/* i got my girlfriend knocked up*

    or * i shot that guy who was bothering me* * im in jail* *i just got expelled* if im the the basement and they catch me like smoking marijuana and they walk in and say what are you doing* id say nothing just smoking some weed*

  24. I adopted my two children

    "I want to find my real mother."

  25. "I'm dropping out of high school"

  26. That you failed me as a mum.

  27. As someone who moved 2,700 miles away from her parents at age 19, I'm going to say, "I'm moving away." Worse yet, and also from personal experience, "I'm leaving the country."

  28. The hardest thing my kids ever said to me was my daughter at 22 comming home and saying "I got married".

    The thing is, I did the same thing to my mother when I was about her age. He and I are still married, so that was not my worry. I trust her to make her own life, but I wasnt ready to let go.

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