
Parents please answer., why do some of u guys not want their daughters 2 be in cheerleading?

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But I've never had that problem with my momma.

Cuss she was a cheerleader when she was in high school.

And she actually wants me 2 be in it.

And i do 2.

Heres the chance 2 say your oppions.




  1. he knows wat guys think of cheerleaders... he doesnt want u to grow into a life of partys, and boys boys boys... most not all but most do..

  2. you know waths funny in my school no one even knows who the cheerleaders are cuz most ofthem are the alienated ones that just think that they will be cool by doing it but no one care and as for you question just do what you want its not going to change you at all

  3. Reasons why parents keep their kids off of the team:

    1) They think it isn't a real sport/difficult

    2) They think it is too dangerous

    3) They think their daughters will turn into or suffer from being seen as the stereotypes

    At least, those seem to be the ones I have heard of most often as to why girls didn't join our team. And they apply just as much to the boys whose parents told them they couldn't join the team.

  4. because cheerleaders are stereotypically seen as sl(u)ts and party kids who don't do their homework and graduate at the low end of the class.  

  5. I guess it depends on why you want to be one. In my experience there were 3 types:

    1. They did it because it is something they enjoyed

    2. To get the attention from the boys on the team

    3. Parties and boys

    You dad, being a guy knows what other guys think of cheerleaders, most of them are easy.

  6. I am a dad, and I encourage my daughter to be a cheerleader because she wanted to be a cheerleader. She is good at it. She makes up a lot of the cheers herself. It keeps her active and exercising. I know what kind of girl my daughter is. She is 12 and a honor student. She also plays softball and basketball. I have no problem with my daughter cheering. Its hard to do the things she does.  

  7. I don't want my daughter to think a girl's place is on the sidelines cheering on the "real" athletes (I know that cheerleaders are exceptional athletes but most people don't give them credit for that)  I would rather encourage her to play sports instead.

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