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Suppose you had a teenage daughter who was very mature for her age, got all As and Bs in school, kept her room clean, got along with her sister, and was pretty much good all around. If she wanted to get purple highlights in her hair, would you let her?




  1. compromise........

    and calling your mother an idiot doesnt show signs of maturity?

  2. Yeah but i would do a 8 wash or 40 wash i got purple highlights and i hated them im so glad i did a 8 wash.

  3. if i was a parent i would let my daughter do it.. but to a certain extent like a nice shade of purple and not that many highlights

    but i can understand why some parents wouldn't want their daughters to do that... if they had a good child like you described... they would probably think that it was some sort of rebellion or something  

  4. ya i guess

    cuz she's a

    "goodie goddie"

  5. The color of a persons hair does not change who they are, even a teenager! She sounds like a good kid and maybe you should just talk with her and ask why she wants her hair purple! I came home one day from work and my daughter had died her hair bright red! Its just something teens go through.

  6. Yes, I would let her get purple highlights in her hair.  I like those!  I assume you are talking about yourself, and congrats on the As and Bs in school!!!  Keep up the good work!

  7. Well, she'd have to respect her mom and not call her an idiot, first. :)

    I don't mind cool hair dyes; the only thing that bothers me in them is the risk of cancer they cause. My question would be, are purple highlights really worth all the fights? 70 years from now, when your mom will ... well, you know, no longer be here... will you regret getting angry at her over this? Life is short!

  8. yeah, i'd let her.  

  9. Yeah. I'd let my child express themselves like that. =) I think it's better than doing some other stuff... >>;

  10. Well considering that I am a 37 year old woman with two teenagers, and pink/purple highlights in my hair, I dont think it would be right for me to say no!

    Besides, I dyed my oldest kids hair blue for him when he wanted it in 5th grade - and then I fought the school to let him express himself.

    There is nothing wrong with expressing yourself or your style in little ways. By keeping an open mind, I believe parents have a better chance of keeping the kids within boundries as they grow!

  11. me ? personally nope...the color is so strange and odds

  12. Why not let her? It's something she wants to change about her appearance, and change never hurts. Let her be a teenager, is what I would have to say. Teenagers want to change themselves constantly.

  13. Well, I would let her, but she would have to pay to get them with her own money. I would never pay for my child to get her hair colored, tanning, weird peircings, etc.  

  14. at first i would get colored gel to show her what it would look like. but i would totally let her if she really wanted it

  15. I don't know. They would look ridiculous. But if she REALLY wanted it then yeah, I would.

  16. yes because that just means she wants to show her wild side, and is tired of ppl thinking she's the good girl. unfortunately for her, ppl wont see her as being a rebel because of her normally good behavior. let her do it. it'll come out.
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