
Parents replaced by computers!! What are your views???

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  1. how the heck would you get the chavs of the computor long enough to deal with the kids oh ye move the bottle to the other side of the room

  2. Parents hit the shrinks couch and the kids go to the net.

  3. Aw, thats sad.  I was the same at school though, I'd never ask and I wouldn't want to ask my parents either or my dad'll do the whole lot!  Just goes to show that homework is a waste of time though if kids get help from the internet!

  4. Humans will never be replaced by computers.

    The climate control (read hot and cold blower) in my car is controlled by a computer.  The external temperature sensor is in the passenger door mirror.  When some kind soul smashed the mirror, the climate control refused to work.  

    My previous car had  two k***s - one switched on the fan and the other selected hot or cold - and it would work even if all the doors were ripped off.

  5. where do i sign my two up? ;-)

  6. and the kids are playing the computers.

  7. haha. digital s*x

  8. Kids? My God I've been on the computer so much I forgot about my kids.

  9. LOL a computer could not make more of a mess of parenting than some I see in my line of work!

  10. Some kids would be better of with computers sadly.

    I think my kids will need a computer when it comes to help with maths homework. I can help them with anything else but that!

  11. Could they do worse than modern parents, especially single moms?

    Why not?

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