
Parents screaming and yelling! Help!

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it's just sickening. i turned my speaker volume up to full, and i can still hear them.

im just crying and crying and crying inside.i cant take it. my heart is broken.

my mom makes false accusations about my dad, my dad is really sad and just takes it, until he gets really mad and tells the truth.

my mom is so crazy sometimes.

my dad is so silly sometimes. my dad is really overweight, and he tells my mom that he will lose a certain amt. of weight by the next month, two months, or three months... then he barely looses half of it, and my mom fumes.

my dad lost alot of money that we dont have trying businesses and stocks and things, and he feels SOO bad. he beats himself up about it, and my mom brings it up to this day. that happened 3 years ago.

they fight badly, my mom gets so mad, what can i do?

its not something i can ignore at this point. thats kid stuff. i cant ignore it. i have to do something. now.

tell my dad to lose weight? he does for the first week, and then he gains it again.

tell my mom to calm down? that makes her madder.

tell my mom how i feel? no. she's insensitive.

my mom has been hurt too. she cries because shes not happy, shes depressed but guess what! no $$ for getting her better.

i wish they'd stop fighting. they ALWWAYS fight!!! its making me REALLY REALLY SAD. and the thing is i nevver have done anything to deserve this. i'm nice to everybody, but have very few friends. only one quality friend and she moved. i joined clubs, didnt work. socialized more, didnt work. smile, be nice, be friendly, didnt work..

forget friends.

i need family.




  1. Poor Dear! Maybe you and your dad (mom too?) could go for walks a few days a week, it would be healthy for both of you and may help your dad lose some weight.  Also exercise helps with depression---it truly does! Which it sounds like you are having a rough go....It sounds like you all are...try to communicate with both of them how this is making you feel, maybe they'll quit focusing on all their problems and try to help you.  Good Luck!  

  2. hey, don't cry, it won't solve anything.  I'm sure you feel like you can't do anything about it and feel so helpless at this point of time, especially when things are so rough.  Sometimes the kids have to be the mediators between parents.  I'm not sure exactly how to word this, but i'll try anyway. It's a huge misunderstanding and past hurts that they are building up inside of them, and they can never let go of the pain they felt, so when they feel pressured, they back into the defensive mode and unleash all the resentments they have stored away.  

    if you can't talk to them in a quiet manner, perhaps yelling at first may make them both shut up.  then from there, you can calmly yet firmly and loudly state what you have been feeling about their arguments. i know that perhaps the nice and gentle way may be great at times, but sometimes people wont' understand or listen until they taste some of their own medicine.  even if it takes yelling at them *which will be a surprise if you're rather quiet and friendly*  perhaps something along the lines *do you know how long i have put up with your arguements...?* and then from there, you can work on how they can both better themselves emotionally and physically.

    you can address your mom's anger and accusations against your dad by saying let go of the past! if you even hold the slightest ray of hope for a successful family relationship, you won't tear us apart with your anger. and such. i know that this may sound harsh, but sometimes it's all it takes is a bit of reality. *i hope i'm helping* btw i'm 15, and when my parents fight *seldomly now* it may take a little yelling, and then they'll calm down, perhaps go into the *silent treatment mood or what not, secretly blame each other.but then you can talk to them saying that both of them are unreasonable* or work your way through, you are right in this area, and wrong in that. and the other is right here, and wrong there.  This will lower themselves from thinking *i am right, they are wrong' attitude.

    your dad, tell him not to beat himself up for any mistakes he has made, because the past is the past. you can't change it!! the only thing you can do, is look ahead to the future, and do what you can do improve. sure, we all make mistakes, but it's OK! we're human! if you're so stuck on moping around and feeling sorry for yourself because of what you've done, you are going to be blinded to further opportunities that will come along.  Once you miss those opportunities, there's no going back. all you can do is move forward!  

    talk to him about losing weight, tell him that it's for his own good and his family! give him motivation. healthy weight means longer life, and less stress as well! support him, and when you think he's falling behind, give him a little push! when he's old, does he want his life to be made difficult because of all the health problems unhealthy weight can give you? *btw, supplementing plenty of veggies and fruits are better rather than starving yourself*

    im afraid i've typed too much for your interest...but nonetheless, try to be the mediator, and that the past is the past!

    you could even mention about them so busy fighting all the time that you can't even go to them about your feelings!! that'll be a striker, and perhaps calm them down.

    ...if calmness fails, maybe a good loud and clear shut up! will do...but follow it will your feelings. and positive things.

    i really hope things work out for you!!

  3. wow i hope u get a best frend hey go read some exercise articles and healthy diet stuff... cause reading those reallie help its cause he tries reallie hard then gets bored  r can't handle it and gives up for a bit so ends up gaining weight by doing that wait what were they arguing about? all i got ws stock 3 years ago that was the past and being fat.... well go bake so non fat dessert and cook things that dont have that much calories in it


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