i have ben living with my girlfriend for a little over 3 years, we are not married, wedo have a 2 year old daughter, she is threatning to move to colorado, (we live in california) i want sole custady of my daughter, i am willing to work a joint cstady of course if she stays in the area, i m the sole financial provider, and split all parenting joys 50 50, i love my daughter and she is my world, can my girlfriend just up and decide to move to colorado and take my daughter with her, my girlfriends daughter ha a lot of money of which i can not compare with for lawyers, i have also been the one who claims my daughter on my tax returns if that makes a difference, i do not think any court in the world would give custody to my girlfriend, severe mental conditins, bi-polatr, minor schizophrenea, she is absolutely incapable of taking care of my daughter on her own, and i am fully capable, but there is always her mother, what are my options