
Parents should probbaly only answer this or people who have been through this please!?

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im 16 years old and pregnant. i told my mom and she is over the shock now. i live with my dad though and i dont know how to tell him. my mom said she would do it for me but i dont think i would want her to beacuse its my responsibilty. my boyfriend is really caring and is going to be wioth ne 100%. whats a way i should tell my dad. or can you give me any adivce. or if you have been in this situation with a young prgnancy! help me.




  1. There is no right way u just have to get the courage and get it over with so u can stop worrying about it!!!! your dad will be upset at first , then he'll get over it and everything will be normal again. you just have to accept the fact that to your parents it is not good news noone is happy for u, accept you and your honey. well and me congrats !  

  2. i was in your situation when i was 17. my dad was a marine and very strict. my mom knew right off the bat but i managed to hide it from my dad for five months. my mom told me she would tell him also but i decided it was my responsibility and i told him myself. it was painful to say the least. instead of my dad being angry at me like i thought he would be he literally broke down and cried. like i said my dad was a marine and i had never seen him cry a day in my life. it felt alot better that he knew and like my mom he got over the shock. He didnt love me any less because of it. it will be fine i promise the earlier he knows the more he can support and help you. hope this helps;

  3. I know this may sound stupid to you, but, maybe you should tell your dad the same way you told your mother.

    As a parent, I feel compelled to advise you that having a baby is not easy and will change your life dramatically. There is a high chance that you will end up either dropping out of school, or on welfare. Its sad to see young girls ruining their lifes having kids at such a young age.

    best of luck

  4. make sure your Dad is in a good mood.  Tell him you have something very important top tell him.  Be prepared though, he is going to be angry and will lash out.  I think it would be a good idea for your Mom to be there too.  Even though they are not together, she will know how to calm him down.  She may even have ideas on how to approach him.  Also, he needs to realize that this is a grandchild.  I hope he reacts better than I did!    Hopefully, his response will be, "What can I do to help you right now?"   He is going to be very angry with your boyfriend, so it is best he is not there when you tell him.  Good luck!

  5. Wow, I would defiantly want my child to tell me, I wouldn't want to hear it from someone else.  It may help ease the shock and comfort him somewhat if you can tell him what your plans are.  I mean like with school, getting a job etc.  Let him know you realize this child is you and your boyfriends responsibility.  You are going to have to make a lot of sacrafices to take care of your child.  You may consider home schooling so you can be home with the baby and be more available to hold a job.  This is not going to be easy, but you are not the first to make it through this situation.  Everything you do will be for your child the carefree days will be no more but enjoy your child.  I sincerely wish you the best of Luck.  Your Dad Loves you, he may be upset at first, but he'll come around.  xox

  6. You need to tell your father. He will always love you. At first he may be upset and shocked but you have to go through it. you may be trerrified, but force yourself to say it. The sooner you do it, the quicker he will be able to get over it. You need to tell your father.You need support. Your dad will not kick you out on the streets. he will not love you less. And you know that he will eventually find out sooo the longer you hide it from him the more painful it will be for the both of you. If you trust and love your father..........then tell him.

  7. This has not been my situation but it was for my cousin. What you need to do is tell your Dad right away. Be prepared for him to be furious and send you to live with your Mom. He likely isn't going to care that your boyfriend is going to be with you 100%. Hopefully, your parents live in the same city. You just need to sit him down and tell him. It won't be easy and he will feel that he certainly failed as a parent.

  8. I am a parent, but I was also 16 and pregnant at one time with a man who was really caring and going to be with me 100% (that did not happen). What is a "way" to tell your dad? How about, "Dad, I'm pregnant"? It's hard to give advice when I don't know your dad. Are you more worried about getting kicked to the street or disappointing him? If you live with him, he's going to find out sooner or later. If disappointment is all you're worried about, just tell him. If you're worried about getting kicked out, you'd better make alternate plans. Good luck.  

  9. The easiest way to do this is just to go to him and tell him. You can't just tell a little bit at a time.  

  10. Tell him you need to talk. Do it in a setting where its just you and him. Have dinner at home, or sit on the couch...

    Just be calm and collect your thoughts and tell him whats going on.  

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