
Parents splitting the cost?

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My boyfriend and I have been talking about getting married and I like to pay for my own things. I suggested we pay for a wedding together instead of having our parents split the cost. We have like 45 thousand in the bank, and we can afford it. My parents are putting me through college and I don't think it's fair to have them pay for a wedding. It's my responsibility, not theirs. He says our wedding would be like 5 thousand dollars so it won't be so much, but I really don't know how much to expect the cost. What do you guys think about all of this?




  1. I really glad that you are looking to pay for it yourself.  Realize that, depending on the type of wedding you want and where you live, the wedding could very possibly be more than $5,000, particularly if you plan on having lots of guests/catered food/alcohol.  If you plan on doing much of it yourself and having about 150 guests, you should anticipate paying about $10,000 just to be safe.

  2. I think what you are doing is admirable. Depending on what type of wedding you want and how big you want to go, a wedding might cost somewhere between 5 and 10 thousand. Congrats on the wedding.

  3. my wedding wsa $8,000 and i paid for it. if you have $45 thousand in the bank, why would you ask your parents or his parents to split the cost with you? why not just pay for it yourself.

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