
Parents that love Miley Cyrus click here?

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If you love her can you click on these links?***s.jpg

do you like her now?




  1. Oh believe me! I know!!!

    I don't let my daughters come in contact with her or Hannah Montana. Call me a controlling parent, but I don't want my daughter to grow up, find those pictures, and think that she should look like Miley! I don't like Miley at all! I think her father needs to have a good talk with her.

  2. Wow, they are so bad! NOT! for goodness sake, I have 4 kids aged 16 ,13,6 and 2 and none of those photos would worry me! Just get yourself a life, instead of trying to ruin other peoples image,what have you done that has brought, entertainment and happiness to millions of young kids! YOU ARE SAD!

  3. Are you 12 or something ?

    Get a grip worry about your own life ..envious little troll  

  4. I Still Do LOL

  5. I didn't like her before....

  6. she is probably tired of being photographed everywhere she goes and decided to give them something to photograph. my son likes her and he is 9 but I personally think that she is ok

    i think you need another hobby your going to get people that like her and people that don't. I love that last picture by the way she looks really pretty

    besides your avatar is way over the top compared to her pics you posted, are you jealous?

  7. Can i ask why you felt the need to post this ?

    for one she is 15 and just because she is in the spotlight does that mean she cannot act like a 15 year old does, i don't see what you expect to gain by posting this to be honest, my daughter thinks shes great and I as a mum do not love her anyway shes a child still so why would a mum love her is what i cannot understand ?

  8. I HATE HER!!

    i know i'm not a parent and all but i'm 13

    and your asking why i don't like her?

    well shes a S****y little ***** and shes suck up

    "Oh i'm really sorry for those pictures"

    MY BUTT!

    Shes such a poser sometimes..


  9. She's such a filthy w***e. Not to mention she looks like a chipmunk.  

  10. tell me WHAT DID YOU DO WHEN YOU WERE 15!!!!!!!!! probably a lot worse than this come on she is a real person

  11. i loved her but after i say that that is a no

  12. Momma Bear what a disgusting comment coming from a 'mother' so if this was your daughter you would be saying the same Personally i think shes a teen doing what they do and fed up with people making stupid remarks about her ...Is she pregnant NO so she's showing her stomach in a few picture BIG DEAL how many 'Girls' her age dress in bikinis for the beach ..proves my point the asker of this question is Jealous of her !

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