
Parents waht would you do if your kids did this?

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okey lets say that you have a daughter lets name her jill your daughter jill has a friend lets name her lucy so jill has wanted snakebites for a long time now and you wouldent let her cuz you dont like face piercings and lucy coninced jill into geting them with out your premition and lets say that 3 days after they get them you find out wnat would you do to jill?????????????

seriously dont like say oh i would rip them off her face or something like that please be serious




  1. I would ban Jill from seeing Lucy, or restrict them to highly supervised activities, until such time as I decided that she could be trusted again.   I would confiscate cell phones and do whatever else was necessary to limit their contact.    I would consider calling Lucy's parents, not in anger, but to tell them what happened, and to let them know that Jill is in big trouble and her contact with Lucy is limited for the time being due to this event.   Lucy's parents might also be seeing some ill effects from the combination of those two, so it might give them a chance to work on Lucy's behavior, as well.

    I would restrict Jill's privileges for a wihle, and possibly sentence Jill to a few days worth of "community service", which might be some type of work around your own house, or volunteering at the animal shelter, or some other productive use of her time.  If she did not get a job, then I would require her to get one, because, clearly, she has too much time on her hands if she's wandering off somewhere without your knowledge getting piercings.  And, she needs to get some experience with employers so that she can begin to get a sense of how permanent facial decorations can adversely affect your options for employment.

    In other words, I would come down on her like a ton of bricks for disobeying her parents.

  2. I would make them work on their spelling and grammar, and once that is improved, reward them with snakebites.

  3. I would make her take them out and  allow them to heal and she would be grounded for a VERY long time, she would be lucky to see the light of day again for 6 months. not only for getting the piercing  (piercings heal, at least it wasnt a tattoo) but for openly defying me when ive specifically said no.

    (she wouldnt be allowed to hang with "lucy" anymore either.)

    (this is all assuming she is under aged of course)

  4. i would make her take them off and ground her. but if i would have a kid i seriously wouldnt be that harsh on her. wait... how old is jill, cause if shes like 9 then snakebites wouldnt be right for her but if shes like14 then ok. :]

  5. well i raised my children to listen to me, so if that ever happened i would be very upset. i would make my daughter take them out, she would be grounded, and her friend would be out of the picture.

  6. Believe me . If i had a kid , which i dont . Until my " little friend " who visits me once a month comes ... its physically impossible !

    But if i was the mom , and my daughter did that . I would let her keep them and see what she is gonna go through . Then when she crys to me , i wont listen .

    But she wouldn't be seeing daylight for a good month or so .

    That is if i was the mom ... which once again , i am not ... and certainly do not intend to be one !

    Lol !

    That was a random question , why do u ask this ?

  7. hmm, well i asked my mom and she said that she would make jill take out her piercings and she would make her wear band-aids over the piercings until they heal so that would be her punishment because that would be embarassing.  she also said that she wouldn't let jill hang out with lucy anymore.

    hope this helps :)

  8. I would make my daughter remove the piercing.  End of discussion.  She'd be grounded for quite awhile as well.

    What exactly did "Lucy" have to do with this whole scenario?  Unless "Lucy" put a gun to "Jill's" head and pierced her nose herself, then "Lucy" has nothing to do with any of this other than being a bad influence.  "Jill" has a mind of her own and shouldn't let persuasions from another person decide what she does or doesn't do.

  9. Let's say I'm the mom here.  I said no piercings, so they will be removed immediately.  Now I have a child who intentionally disobeyed her mother, with a friend who has no regard for my daughter's house rules.  So the friend is not going to be seen around my house for a very long time, and my daughter won't be leaving the house without me for a long time either, since she's proven she's too immature to be responsbile on her own.

  10. If she is an adult, she can do what she wishes, including move out.

    If she is under age, and I had forbidden it, I would insist she remove it, forbid seeing Lucy (and talk with Lucy and Jill myself to explain).  At 18, as an adult, she can move out and do what she needs to, if necessary, but I would hope she would be more mature by then.  These are permanent moves for temporary desires, and are not appropriate for children, in my opinion.

  11. i would ask her how she got itand why didn't she just wait to get them proffesionally. but i wouldn't rip them out of her face lol. i'm not sure if i would even have her remove it. take her to the doctors or a piercing place to see if it's ok, defenitly ground her, if you let her get away with it she'll think she can do another. just have a serious one on one with her.

  12. Make her take them out, you said no so you should still say no and make her remove them! i would tell her If she had listened then she wouldnt have this problem! But they are being removed~

  13. I would absolutely make her take the jewelry out of her lip. Explain to her that I was the parent and I told her she could not get the piercings and they would close and grow up until I no longer had a say so in her well being. Then I would approach Ms. Lucy and tell her that I do not approve of what she did and suggest she not try and convince Jill to do anything else that I have said she cannot do.

  14. make her remove it and explain why you dont want her to have it. also dont let her hang out with lucy.

  15. Ground her and file suit against the place that pierced an under age person with out permission. Unless she is of age then I would do nothing.

  16. well i probably know about it before 3 days, but anyway. i would make her take them out, she wouldnt be hanging with Lucy, and she would be grounded from something that means somehting to her, (ex. cell phone, ipod, computer.. etc..)

  17. Remove the piercings IMMEDIATELY or she will forever undermine your authority and you will end up with a spoiled brat who walks all over her parents because they let her get away with it on a bigger issue.  Also remove some of her freedoms/spending money.  

    It's not a lesson about your opinion on piercings, it's a lesson about permission not being asked.  As my parents always said, a child has to obey the wishes of the parents if she/he wants to live under their roof.  She probably knew you would disagree therefore didn't ask, so it's actually more than permission, it's flat out rebellion.  You have to stop that at the start.

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