
Parents want to move and I DID until my mom told me?

by  |  earlier

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That the house was actually small she told me it would be bigger than our house now that is really big but when she signed the contract she decided to tell me it was a lot smaller.I love my house now because it is so spread out and big like my mom is really mean and hits me a lot and my dad is just annoying and at my house now I have the whole upstairs and my parents room is downstairs at the very front.At the house they bought it is all 1 story and my room is one door down from theirs and it will be soo horrible and I wake up at 4:30 a.m. And when I wake up I like to play cd's really loud but now I can't because my dog will wake up and bark till everybody is awake (he sleeps in my parent's bed )and my pool table won't fit in my room anymore AND my room is like right there in the middle of the house and I like being able to go upstairs and have 6 rooms all mine and nobody even comes upstairs but me now it will be like infront of everybody




  1. perhaps mum and dad had to downsize due to financial issues.  at 12 you are old enough to understand you don't always get what you want.  try to be more considerate of the entire family's needs and not act quite so much like a spoiled little girl.

  2. just focus on the future, forget what's going on right now.

    it helps me.

  3. I had to move recently because of financial trouble. I won't get into that, but we had to leave the house that was in our family for 4 generations (my great grandparents lived in it at one point, my grandparents raised my mom, and my mom raised me). It was beyond difficult.

    We moved 300 miles away, because my mom got a job offer she couldn't refuse. She's a physician, and being a doctor where we live and maintaining a private practice was impossible. So she's working for a hospital now. We live in a townhouse that's 1/3 the size of our previous house.

    I had to move away from all of my friends, and everyone I love. And I'm starting at a new school at the end of the month. College, no less. We've been here a month, and so far we like it, but it's not home yet.

    But we've adapted.

  4. "I'm typing on my iphone" - show off!

    It's your parents money, it's there house get over it! You can't be spoilt your whole life there will be a time when you can't rely on your parents money and get your dream home and dream size!

    Listen to music on your iphone instead of annoying everyone else! Your parents have the right to choose the house they buy GET OVER IT!

  5. You just need to make the best of the situation

  6. do you have a real question because it sounds like a very long complaint to me. Because if you're looking for pity i think you're out of luck here - if you think you are being abused call Social Services.

    Be thankful you have a house and nice things like an i-phone and a cd player. You'll get used to it, maybe it will be better for your whole family to be closer to each other in a smaller house.

    And i agree with the others: BUY HEADPHONES

  7. ur 12... live the life ur parents give u

  8. Sorry to say it this way but frankly there is no other way to say it.

    You are a very spoiled rotten little girl.  Take what is given you and be appreciative of it.  

    Did you ever stop for one moment and ask yourself why your parents are down sizing?  Huh?  I'm sure you didn't.  

    I think it's time for you to be a little more considerate of those around you.  

  9. Im sorry. Can you get earphone headset for your cd playing? If your mom hits you you might want to discuss with your father if you should call child protective services

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