
Parents... what are your views on Gardasil?

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When I was in school and when I started college, all the schools I went to wouldn't let the kids in if they weren't up to date on all vaccinations. But people on YA keep saying that schools can't require them anymore or that "the gov't can't tell me what to do!" (Which is stupid, because the gov't tells you what to do every day....) So how can states require std vaccines for little girls?

And what do you think about Gardasil? Whenever I see the commercials, I find contradictions all over the place. And it doesn't prevent cancer. It just prevents an STD that *could* cause cancer if left untreated. And if girls wouldn't sleep around (as children, no less), they wouldn't get STD's. Do you think it's giving kids a "green light" to feel safer about premarital s*x? And how can schools require it if now days they can't even require MMR vaccines?




  1. I will never allow my teenager to get the Gardasil vac. You are doesn't prevent cancer. There are also some very serious side effects and the vac is loaded with aluminum. Not enough research for my liking.

  2. You don't have to "sleep around" just to get an STD. You can sleep with one person and still get infected. And even if you don't have premarital s*x, your husband could be infected from past relationships and therefore you could get infected even if you waited to have s*x. So don't stereotype, just because someone has an STD does not mean they are s***s.

    And you should really know the facts before you argue something. Gardasil only protects against HPV, which is a leading cause of cervical cancer. 70% of sexually active people are infected with HPV. There are many types of HPV. Some types cause cervical cancer, some cause genital warts, and some types go away on their own with no symptoms.

    This vaccination does not give the "green light" for young women to have s*x and be less responsible about it. It gives young women a chance to protect themselves from a life threatening disease! If it was your daughter and you had the chance to protect her from something like this wouldn't you do it?? Any mother who loves their child would do anything to protect them I would think.

    This question/opinion is ridiculous

  3. I beleive that kids should not even be taking Gardasil...

    They should just stay away from s*x PERIOD.


    So pretty much... Giving your kids vacanated is telling them that they are able to have kids


  4. I don't believe in vaccinating my child for a disease that can be easily prevented by not having s*x and/or by getting medical attention if they do contract an STD.  I'd rather educate my children about s*x and STD's and teach them the safe ways to have s*x, then encourage them to save s*x for marriage.  If they do decide to have s*x, at least they'd be educated.  We will also have a very open line of communication about s*x so that they can always come to me if they need to.

    *My husband and I both saved sexual relations for marriage.  No oral, no heavy petting, no 'dry humping'..... nothing before marriage (had nothing to do with religion).  Its a little thing called self control and self respect.  I wish more young men and women could practice it.

  5. I had HPV and had a leep procedure and lost my first baby as a direct result.  YES, I got it because I "slept around" but if I can prevent my daughter from knowing the pain of losing a baby or getting cancer, then I am all for it.

    Even kids who don't "sleep around" can catch don't have to have s*x to get it, and it only takes one time, and most people don't even know they have it when they spread it.....

    NO, I don't want my kids to be promiscuous and I am raising them accordingly, however I never want to hear another child of mine say what my stepdaughter did, "well we weren't planning on having premarital s*x and so we didnt' have any condoms and ooooops, we got pregnant."

    Just 'cause you raise your kids with all the right intentions does not mean that they are immune to poor decision making.  You mean you never made a stupid choice in your entire life?

  6. I agree with Cookie.

    I think the vaccine is just one more way letting teens do whatever they want.

    I know I won't let my daughter receive it.

  7. I read an article that said that a lot of girls are getting very bad side effects after getting this shot.  They have not linked it to the shot yet, but are working on it.  Im against Gardasil.  I know that it is not one of the ones that a child needs to get into school.

  8. Im 13 and I think it sucks. I doubt it works well and it doesnt do that much. The shots are really painful to. My parents forced me to get it and I am actually getting my second booster today. I think its a joke.

  9. I agree with you. That c**p is a green light for pre-marital s*x. What's the point anyway? Kids aren't going to be doing it in school anyway! If parents would be parents and not let their daughters sleep with their boyfriends and vice versa,then we wouldn't have this problem. Parents need to take the stand and give their teenagers curfews and take away driving privileges and mall privileges and what not if the curfews are violated.

  10. I don't think it gives kids the "green light" to feel safter about premarital s*x.  If a parent felt sure it was beneficial and about the side effects, etc., they don't have to say to a p*****n that the vaccine has anything to do with s*x/std/cancer at all.  Just say it's a vaccine.  Just my opinion.

  11. Call me old fashion, but I say let's, instead, be spending our time teaching our daughters about the dangers of having s*x at such a young age and encouraging them to wait until marriage. Isn't that a better, easy way to try to stop the spread of STDs or what?

    I can see the TD's coming! lol

  12. I don't see Gardasil as a "prevention" from an STD, or a green light for s*x.  But I would not recommend anyone getting it (unless there is a high risk of cancer in the family).  I myself will not get it, & it's hard to tell how safe it is until it's been around for 20-30+ yrs.

    As for other vacines, you don't have to get vaccinated if you have a note stating that it's against your religion etc.

  13. They still don't know all the side effects of Gardasil. It was pushed through way to fast, and now there have been many reports of severe problems. At least 10 women have died from it. I would never get it nor would I allow my daughters to get it. It has not been proven effective in preventing cervical cancer, and in fact has been linked to other types of cancer. You may not be "one less".

  14. My parents are Catholics, and so would never want to condone me having s*x.

    But after talking to my also catholic OB GYN uncle, they have decided that it would be in my best interest, in case I did get married, and my husband wasn't so honest about his sexual past.  My doctor said the only way to not have to worry about it would be if both I and my future sexual partner were virgins, which, in this day "is not a common reality".  I was all for getting the shot, well, since I just love getting shots, but after what my doctor said, I feel I will marry my current boyfriend, who is a virgin, as am I.

  15. green light for s*x anybody? they are teaching this stuff at way too young of ages. in a few years when my son starts school he'll probably come home with an aids pamphlet.....thats the day i start homeschooling.

  16. Well, I've had discussions with my mom about this, even though I'm an adult. In any case, her (and my) only hesitation about it came from the fact that it was so new and untested. Otherwise, I wouldn't hesitate to get it, and have my children get it if I had children. The reason behind this is that HPV can be transmitted by skin-to-skin contact, and can live on upper thighs or the lower stomach as well as the genital area. So, technically, you could get HPV if you had a cut on your hand and shook hands with someone who was infected and didn't wash up after they used the bathroom, which is simultaneously very unlikely and disturbingly plausible. In any case, for the time being, I'll rely on pap smears to give me early warning if anything starts to go wrong.

  17. No absolutely not, Gardasil protects against 3 or 4 types of HPV that does cause Cervical Cancer if left untreated. Most of the time you don't even know you have HPV until you have your anual Pap. You can get HPV even if you don't sleep around and even if you wait until you're married to have s*x. It's just a little extra protection. If I had a teen daughter I would most definitely get her vaccinated. You talk until your blue in the face to your children about no premarital s*x, but at the end of the day it's ultimately their decision and if they want to have s*x they wiill find a way. You just have to trust that you've taught them to make responsible decisions and when you get them vaccinated make sure that they know that just because they can't get hpv from s*x now, that they can still get other stds and get pregnant.

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