
Parents what do you think about this ?

by Guest61710  |  earlier

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As a parent, what is your opinion on it ? ( People that aren't parents can answer too ! )

He must look young musn't he. I can't believe the school was so stupid and read what the girls father says. Why would he welcome a 19 year old boy into his home to see his 13 year old daughter ?




  1. its just horrible very horrible

  2. This is very tragic and I think that people judging the parents is not going to help. Instead of blaming, please show compassion.

  3. how sad

  4. that's awful. as parents when ever we are out with our children we always put are radars on to look for suspicous people but we never think that someone we are welcoming into our homes can be a problem too. even though it's possible we don't like to think about it and we are often blind sided to it. I hope he goes to jail for a long time.

  5. He used fake documents, he was posing as a 14-15 year old.

    From what it sounds like is he was accepted into the family as a type of exchange student. It's a horrible thing that happened but I couldn't blame the father if he was under the impression he was taking in a student.

    This guy has some serious issues though.

  6. The thing that bothers me the most is that this whole thing was premeditated. This guy went through some trouble to do what he did, and he thought it out piece by piece as he was doing it. There's no saying "I'm sorry, I made a stupid mistake" or "I won't do it again" because he went out of his way to do a terrible thing. He knew it was wrong, and did it anyway. He is a total freak.

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