
Parents what would you have said to this child?????

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In Asda yesterday there was a little girl of about 11, her mother asked her to carry one of the bags, to which the little girl answered carry them yourself you fat ......(its an animal that is usually black and white and called Daisy and you get milk from it, dont want to get a violation notice if you get my drift).The mother said oh well I cant manage the bags, but she never told her off, is it me, because I wouldnot have gotten away with calling my mum that ( i woulnot get away with it now and im 44 and shes 73)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

i wouldnot have been smacked but i would have certainly had my pocket money stopped and been grounded for a week LOL




  1. That girl's mother needs to sort herself out and stop acting like a doormat.  It's not the child's fault her mother is spineless and so lacking in self-confidence she can't tell her own child off for insulting her.  

  2. Wow...I would have gotten my butt spanked and grounded for a month! I'm 22 with my own baby and my mom would still beat my butt for saying something like that! I agree with the first response.

  3. how rude if that was me my mum would have stopped me in the middle of adsa and said "what did you ,how dare you, you do not use that language, your such a rude girl,l wait till i tell your father" and they would have taken something special away from me like a toy or pocket money. i cant believe what some kids are like now a days

  4. When i was a child i wouldn't have dreamt of saying anything like that to either parent,  never mind all that c**p you hear these days about 'being sent to the 'naughty step'.In seventies Scotland your dad would have trashed your backside with his belt, and i'm not joking either!  you knew what it meant to have a well skelped @rse if you got out of line, and on top of that you'd not be allowed on the next school trip, so you could wave goodbye to the annual school trip to Burnt Island.  Changed days indeed!

  5. I believe if I had said something similar to my mom now i wouldn't be here using the pc.  

  6. I think I would have knocked her on her *** pure reflex.  That's what I'd do if anyone spoke to me that way, mind you I've never had to, my family is respectful of each other.  

  7. Well im not a parent at the moment but if i have children eventualy i would not let them get away with that,

    If i ever spoke to either of my parents like that i would nt hear the end of it.

    That child is incredibly lucky to be able to get away with that!


  8. Spanking, hitting or punching a child is never the answer.

    All that does is make the child have less respect for you and hate you.

    I agree that the mother did not make an issue in front of others.

    You have no way of knowing what happened at home.

  9. you dont know what the adult said to the child when they left the store.maybe she waited until then because she didnt want to cause a scene. there is a general lack of respect for adults. its the hardest job to be a parent and we dont always get it right.

  10. That child would have got a slap across the mouth from me. How dare she humiliate her mother in public.  

  11. she would have been eating soap when I got her home. with an attitude like that at that age she's going to have a lot of trouble in older years. I can see her going to school and mouthing off at the wrong person and getting a schoolyard kicking. the mother should have chastised her there and then and made her carry ALL the bags. none of mine would ever have spoken to me like that

  12. OMG. Had I said that to my mother we all would have learned how fast Kit could fly through the air. I had very nice parents. I can count how many times I was spanked on one hand. But if I had ever said that I wouldnt have sat down for a week. My kids ever told me told that and I would drive them to my mother so she could spank them. I may be unwilling to spank  kids but that kind of backchat certainly deserves it.

  13. My kids would never speak to me like that, they have been bought up to respect me as all kids should there parents etc. When there not bought up like this they are called little s**+*s!

  14. OMG i would have gotten a right good thrashing for that from my mum then from my dad when he got home from working at sea!

    But then these days you can smack a child for being an evil little terror so i think kids know they can get away with things like this these days also the poor woman was probably really embarrassed i would be.

  15. Well the child probably learned it from her father. The mother is obviously a  push over and doesn't stand up for herself. She is probably that way in all aspects of her life. It's sad, My mother would have knocked my teeth out.  

  16. I think I would have killed my child. A look would be enough to scare her s**+*less and have her apologising and trying to carry all the bags. No way would my child even think about talking to me like that. Her life would be miserable for many weeks as she would be taken no where and I would do NOTHING for her till she realised that to receive help you must give it too. I don't just blame the child in that case, I blame the parent too. She would not be so wiling to say it if she didn't think she would get away with it which the parent clearly showed she did.

  17. i would have been smacked (i think, i would never dared to say that to my mum, so never found out!)

    horrible children - blame the tv and friends

  18. I am like you, I'd be too scared to even think of saying something like that to My Foster Parents, and Grandparents. I wouldn't have been smacked, but I would have received a very stern one-way conversation, about respect.

    I was bought up with Love & Respect, and so are my children. As a family we work together. My elder son's (2 are almost 3, & a 4yo) will offer to hold bags for me. I never ask them to carry anything, because they say *Taa, Mummy/Charli* (eldest is adopted- Calls me Charli).

    Had my child implied I was one of those animals in my front paddock, they may find themselves out there with those animals.

  19. This child called her MOTHER a Fat-Cow? LAZY PARENTING! Just goes to show what lack of discipline and a lack of Demand for RESPECT will get Spineless Parents. These types of SAD "Parents" Disgust me. For Starters I HAVE to much Respect for MYSELF to allow one of my children to speak to me this way and my children DEFINITELY have to much Respect to ever even THINK of speaking to me that way, oh they get a BIT mouthy from time to time, but believe me they are immediately CORRECTED. That Woman is just to LAZY to TEACH her daughter the correct way of speaking to her, therefore she has a Rude,Ungrateful,Disrespectful kid on her hands and it will ONLY GET WORSE!

  20. That is terrible. Kids have no respect and teachers are unable to discipline them. Basic manners cost nothing. I hate kids being rude and it only gets worse.

  21. i wouldnt have dared to say that to my mum, it wouldnt have crossed my mind to to say it. my dad would have certainly made sure i didnt say it again!

  22. if it was my daughter she would of been grounded and no sweets for the week.

  23. that kid needs a good tellin off nobody should speak to their mother like that

  24. omg are you serious? that's terrible, if i EVER spoke to my mum like that there would have been BIIIIG trouble. i cant believe the things kids get away with these days. i would have stopped right there, given her a very stern talking to and made her carry every single bag to the car, AFTER she gave me an apology. and a long grounding would be waiting for her at home along with no pocket money. may sound strict but my kids sure as heck have never said anything like that to me.  

  25. its not the child's fault , obviously the mother is too soft and dosent discipline her children well , my child would never say that , she would just do it , but she might think that when i asked her lol

  26. The child needs discipine and maybe some guidance.  Whether she heard it at school or from a sibling or sometimes bad dad.  She needs to be taught that you do not talk to your peers in that way especially your parents.  As for the mom, I think if I was her and in a public place I would have been caught off guard a little and being in public place wouldnt know how to react to that right away.  Maybe the mother is more of a private person and said something to the child once in the vehicle.  You have to give the mom the benefit of the doubt.  If its a good scoulding the child needs I myself would wait until I was in a more private setting.  Im not one for yelling at my child out in public but I also dont let her get away with anything.

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