
Parents who are verball abusive, mean, and unloving??

by  |  earlier

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im vice president of my class

ive been in advanced choir, orchestra, and a rock band class.

im heavily involved in my youth program at church

i volunteer at a nursing home

i dont have s*x, drink, smoke, or do drugs

all they do is yell! they wake up complaining, they go to bed complaining, they email me complaining, they call me worthless, stupid, moron, broad,. they say they cant wait for me to move out, im a big money pit, im so lazy, etc....

this makes me feel terrible, and also the fact they say even more stuff behind my back when im asleep but i really hear it.

how would this make you feel?

why do you think theyre so angry and upsert all the time?

how would you handle this?




  1. I honestly don't know but just ignore it. Your on the right path and you know it! Keep heading down the path of success...

  2. I want to cry for you. like forreal.

    I dont know what to tell you but i hope it all works out alright for you.

  3. sounds to me like your doing good anyway...just keep up the good work. Do let it get to you too much, and dont let it push you in the wrong direction! My dad was like that with me, i couldnt stand him....i moved out and back home 4 times starting when i was 15 and i had bad grades and stopped caring.

  4. Try not to let it bother you. I know that's hard advice to follow but it's the only thing that works for me.

    My mother is downright cruel. She's slapped me, threatened me, called me stupid/ugly/worthless, threatened to throw me out on the street, left me at the house alone for a MONTH (I didn't see her at all during that time) to stay at her boyfriends.

    She's just a miserable lady and wants me to fail in life like she did. I'll be more successful then she will ever will she knows it and is jealous.

  5. Aww I feel so bad for you. I really do.  :[

    If this really upsets you as much as I think it does, go talk to someone about it. Like a school therapist, teacher or close friend. Maybe your parents don't realize how horrible they are being.

    Whatever happens don't belive what they say. You're much better than that. :] Good luck.

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