yesterday me and my mother and my brothers wife were sitting in the living room yesterday holding my newborn niece , my brother's wife's mother and little sister were visiting and they wanted to go shopping my brothers wife's younger brother was going to drive them shopping my 3 yr old niece, 6 yr old nephew and my brother's wife little sister who is 7 were playing in the front of the house my brother's wife's mother and my dad were sitting outside watching them my 3 yr old niece saw her uncle in front of his car and she ran up to him in the street and a car was coming her mother was watching from the window and was very upset and she yelled at me to call my 3 yr old niece inside and i was really upset because i didnt like the way she yelled at me. when my niece finally came inside the house her mother yelled at her about running in the street and my niece started to cry.
i felt like she was yelling at me like if she was my mother or my boss and i know she was upset at her child for running in the street unattended but i felt that she had no right to yell at me like a child
my 3 yr old niece is very disobedient she talks back to the mother she doesnt listen to anyone when they talk to her she does things her way sometimes she presses herself down on her newborn sister when she tries to kiss and we keep telling her not to do that to be gentle and she still does it and i feel like her mother had no right to talk to me like that when she cant even control her own children and when i told my parents they were upset at me and they said i always like to cause trouble and that im overreacting i didnt tell my niece to run into the street what do you think of this situation ? do you think i was being too sensitive do you think her parents don't know how to control my niece and nephew has anyone ever been in a situation like the one im in with a brother, sister, friend, or relative who has a child