
Parents who choose not to parent.?

by Guest64892  |  earlier

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This may be more of a rant than anything, but I must divulge. I am rather sick of parents who would rather sit on their butts to watch TV or yap away on their cell phones than play with their kids or give them guidance. However, it particular irks me when these parents fail to discipline their children. I was sitting in my living room playing with my 8 month old son when all of a sudden I hear this loud crack on the glass of my front door. Being home alone and in a city I thought "oh wow! Someone is beaking in!" I see through the glass that it is my 7 yr old neighbor whipping a big stick at the glass. I run to the door, say "Hey!" as he whips it again, cracking the glass. I said I want to see your mom now. I tell her what happened and she says "Oh...Matthew that isn't nice, go play over there," in the nicest sweetest voice I have ever heard. Then she walked back inside, no sorry, no anything! I plan to complain to my landlord tomorrow. Anyone else have experiences like this or worse?




  1. Pretty typical. What do you expect when over 70% of "parents" dump their babies into full time daycare from a very young age.

  2. I'm with you. My sister has 4 kids and "discipline" is a dirty word! Punishment???? What the heck is that???? Time"they're too miserable for that"...........

    At least my sister's kids don't act nearly as bratty as some of the other people I hear complaining.....they don't give you nasty looks just because you're telling them to "knock it off" and they DEFINITELY don't throw things at anybody or their property!

    But you are right.....I just have fantasies that other people's kids get run over by a Brink's truck.....heheheeheheh.......

  3. Yes.I work at a theater and well we have a lot of parents that let there kids run around and grab stuff that they are not to touch.One time there was a child that was trying to steal and I caught her and I told her mother and all she said was no honey you aren't supposed to take things,and that was it nothing else,no spanking no your grounded nothing!!I was like hello lady!!!It irritates me too.

  4. I live in attached houses and my house has the driveway. The kids in the house 2 doors down always run through my backyard and up the driveway. My mother constantly tells them to stay out the driveway, but they continue it anyway. One time my mom told the girl to stop and she gave my mother this face. People don't want to discipline their kids anymore because everything is considered child abuse now. People wonder why their kids are in juvie by 15. It's because they don't respect other people.

  5. what do you expect when this is the way society is headed?

    - 17 girls make a pact to get pregnant (duping the poor guys) and raising their babies together

    - a 12 yr old girl takes her dad to court because he grounded her for publishing inappropriate photos on myspace (HOW she has a myspace account at age 12, i dunno) - she won, by the way:  the judge ruled the grounding was too harsh.  were she my kid, she, her lawyer, AND the judge wouldn't be sitting for a week!

    - a girl's parents sued a college and her professor because he failed her for the course.  doesn't matter she didn't do the work and failed teh exam - apparently he and the college "owed" the girl a diploma.  my daughter failed grade 8 so they did up a fake diploma and she had the whole graduation ceremony so she "wouldn't feel left out".  when i found out, i got up and walked out of the ceremony and deleted all the pictures.

    read this article and you'll see exactly what's wrong with kids today:

    when i lived in northern ontario, you could see immediately which kids were from Down South (toronto, f.ex):  they played in their yards like there was an invisible fence and their brightly-coloured, plastic, rounded-edge toys had names like Lil Tykes, Fisher-Price, and Early Years.  you could tell the true northern kids because starting at around age 7, they were heading into the bush with snares, campfire equipment, and fishing rods and their toys have names like Stihl, Honda,  and Husqvarna.

  6. I totally agree with you. It's like they see right through their childrens bad behavior and don't do anything at all but get on to them in those annoying cute little voices. I hate parents like that. It makes me wonder...we have to have a license for just about everything (car, hunting, fishing, etc.). Stupid people should have a license before they have kids. If you can't pass the test, get a hysterectomy and go on, man!

  7. i am not a parent but there is this kid in my neighborhood he is 5 and his parents cant controll him, he turns on people sprinklers causing huge water bills, breaks lights on a pathway, takes the red thing off on mailboxes, and he is extremely rough with everyone

    it is extremely annoying he through a metal block at one of our neighbors house and almost hit a window! he is a danger to the people in our neighborhood

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