
Parents who make judgments based on NO facts?

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Ok, I just read a question about a woman who's son is listening to Heavy Metal, is wearing black, dyed his hair, wants to learn the guitar and wore a pentagram. She declared that this was proof he was on the fast track to Satanism.

Why is it that people who have no clue about Gothic people make judgments like that on them? I am a Gothic person, I listen to Metal, but I also teach Sunday School and my father was a Preacher at a Christian church. I'm not saying that some of these people aren't Satanists. But not all of us are! Why are so many parents assuming things like this about their kids? It's no wonder they don't want to talk to us about anything!




  1. It all comes down to stereotypes and the fact that people in general do not like to think for themselves. Given the choice of "going with the flow" or thinking things through, the general population will always "go with the flow". Examples: Asian guy = bad driver and good with math. Black guy = thief and lazy. White guy = Good credit and upper middle class. The truth of the matter is people are individuals, no matter what their skin color or style of dress or musical tastes. Take me for example, I'm white, poor and a little on the gothic/hard rocker side but I don't worship the Devil nor do I go to church (mostly because of people like this woman being discussed). People sit around and talk about "peace on Earth" when in reality that will NEVER happen until these barriers are knocked down and people start thinking for themselves and stop taking whats dished out to them by the spoonful.

  2. no she doesnt hes probably just goth, but if she was my mom i would do that too

  3. Some people just go by what preachers without a clue are saying to them.

    Not all gothic people are satanists/devil worshipers or whatever have you. There are many types of Christians out there. Yes, are some of them...sure. That doesn't mean you get to justify why you make a judgement about everyone just because of how someone is dressed or what style they like.

    don't pay attention to the haters. Just remember that the bible says something about it...."Do not judge, least ye be judged". She's making an assumption about her son that could be true or could not be true. Instead of talking to her son like a parent should...she instead makes assumptions about his faith online. Not exactly the best way to handle that imo. She just needs to talk to him and find out what is going on in his head instead of letting her paranoia get the best of her.

  4. hahaha. I just replied to that. One of the Christians was even telling her off:

    I'd be more worried about you. I'm a Christian and the number one thing that turns kids away is saying heavy metal is "BAD MUSIC." What about Project 86? They're a Christian band. There's lots of Christian heavy metal bands. Are they against God? Have you ever heard the Houseplant Song by the Christian band Audio Adrenaline?

    "Once I read a book,

    And this is what it said,

    "If your music has a beat,

    Then you're gonna wind up dead."

    It doesn't really matter

    If it's CHRISTIAN or not,

    If it's synchopated rhythm,

    Then your soul is gonna rot!

    And this book was called,

    "HA, You're gonna BURN!"

    and it goes on.

    The "pentagram" was probably incorporated in the symbol for the band H.I.M. And guess what? Unless you listen to nothing but Gospel 100% of the time, drugs and s*x are involved. It's in rock music, blues music, even lyrical jazz. Heck, it's even behind some classical music and I'm a Music Major, so I know. I have a friend who loves the Lord with all his heart and has the same style of dress as your son. People judge him by his appearance and had he not already been a Christian, it would probably turn him away.

    If you Bible thump and push, you will push your son away. God calls us to deal with others in love. Love is patient and kind according to God, and though I can't judge, your reaction seems anything but."

    And then I finished the song

    But doesn't the Pentagram have a foothold in Wiccan society? Not just that but Celtic paganism?

  5. Well, the other problem is that a pentagram has nothing to do with Satanism, in most cases. Most pagan in the US take the pentagram as their own religious symbol.  Even the National Cemeteries allow a pentagram to be carved into the gravestones of our fallen soldiers who are pagans.

  6. just for the same reason that most people think that us people from the south are slow and stupid ( : sorry about the prejudice tho

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