
Parents worried about me going to South Africa?

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I didn't know whether to put this in Family & Relationships or Travel so I just put it here lol

I'm 16 and I've been taking to this girl online for a long time (11 months or so) and we really like each other.She is a genuine girl and has good moral values.

This summer I decided to visit her and I've saved up for months to buy the ticket.However,they are a bit nervous of letting me go there.I have explained many times how safe the northern suburbs are in cape town,the parents that are taking care of me have lived there all there lives and have raised two daughters,the fact I have only 1 flight connection to make and that I can get minors assistance at the airport.

They still are nervous after all that :( What can I do to help the situation ?





  1. Africa can be dangerous so be careful.

    As for the experience, I would go but thatll be it...its one of those things you do once (going to Africa I mean)

    Im not much older than fact im only 17. If I was in the same situation, I would get at least someone else to go with me. At least then someone can call ur parents if you get ill or something, or in danger. I can understand why ur parents are worried, maybe it'll ease their troubles if a trusted person is tagging along??

    Hope this helps

  2. if I had a 16 year old son I wouldn't let him go alone to any place on that continent, sorry its dangerous and I would see it as irresponsible to let him go

  3. If you were my sixteeen year old son, I would be more than worried.  In fact, I wouldn't let you go.  There are plenty of girls in the world and you will meet many before you settle down.

  4. Think you're stupid and you should listen to your parents. If you've been talking to her online how do you even know she's a girl? She could be anybody.

    I heard SA very beautiful but very dangerous too. They're always chopping each other up over there. It's some kind of hobby I think, a bit like happy-slapping, but with a machete!

  5. If her parents are picking you up at the airport...and taking responsibility for you...then go. They will know where you could or should not go.

    The advice I give to you is to introduce contact between her parents and yours. This is very important,...let them talk to one another.

    If you were going backpacking, alone or with somebody, that was not South African ...I would say 'don't even try it'

  6. As a mother I can tell you I would worry as well,which doesn´t mean I wouldn´t let you go,no.I would let you go,but I would be nervous a s well.Just tell your parents you are mature enough,and prove it to them,and once you are there,phone them,keep in touch so they know you are ok.As a mother I perfectly understand them.Their boy is going far away with people they don´t know.Try to make her parents speak to your parents,so they know eachother a bit,even if it´s just on the phone,they´ll feel more relaxed if they see you are going to be in good hands.

    Have a nice holiday and hope there´s a future between you and this girl.The best of luck.

  7. you have good parents listen to them

    South Africa is no place to go on your own

  8. Hey what going on here?  All the PC lot and our wonderful government is always telling us how lovely the Africans are and that race and colour etc has nothing to do with an individuals charastics so on that score then South Africa should be as safe as brixton London.  Still not worried, you should be.  Take care my friend and just go for some eastern european bint, there just as desperate and keen and you are not so likely to get a burning tyre around your neck on your wedding day.

  9. As a South African.... you parents have EVERY right to be nervous. SA IS NOT SAFE end of story. As a foreigner you are a soft target. Just take a look at the news report this week and you will start to get an idea what the country is REALLY like. Go to   read the stories over the past week and then ask yourself the question... do you still really want to go to SA?

  10. Being a South African mother of two kids who always travel unaccompanied at least two times a year to various destination in the world (they are 10 and 12 years old), I agree with your parent having a concern about your safety. I also agree that things have not been so easy in South Africa of late, but would like to believe that if there could be contacts between her parents and yours, it might be re assuring to your parents to know that from the time they leave you at the airport until the time when you get back, you will be in the safe custody of an adult who would be able to make 'better judgement' in as far as assessment of safety in of the place is concerned.

    I wish you good luck and hope that if your parents do allow you to visit, you enjoy Cape Town and the hospitality of South Africans.

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