
Parents would you accept your son or daughter as g*y or bi or transsexual?

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I am a son and I am a g*y.. my mom doesn't accept me very well.. I know it's hard for a parent.. because nobody wants something like that or expects that kind of children? would you accept him or her? and why? THANKS for answering.




  1. I would never accept my son or daughter as g*y bi or transsexual. I would take them to a psychological doctor immediately.  

  2. YES! I love my children, unconditionally.

  3. GOD never makes Junk. This birthday suit is harder to make.  She in time will handle the question What will other people say?  (Like who cares !Enjoy the adventure

  4. I hope you're mom will accept the idea, it may take time.

    I"m bi and my mom stated the other day that people that are g*y/bi need psychological help, shouldn't be able to get married OR date. This hurt so bad coz  Iwas going to tell her but now I"m not so sure I will.

  5. I would absolutely accept my child for whatever and whoever they are.  It's sad that you say "because nobody wants something like that..."  I would accept my child for who they are because that is what I am going to teach them to be, WHO THEY ARE.  Not who I want them to be, or who society wants them to be...who THEY want to be.  Besides, I strongly believe being g*y is not a choice, so it's not even really a choice.  It's who you are and your family should love you for that.  Sadly, many people don't think that way.  

    I'm sorry your mom doesn't accept you.  Regardless, you need to be true to yourself and your feelings.  You can explain to your mom that you are still the same person you always have been.  

  6. Maybe its because I'm a younger mom and I have friends that are g*y and bi...but I know that wouldn't have a problem with my children if they discovered that they were g*y or bi or wanted to be a tran.  

    My kids are my kids, no matter what.  I will love them forever.

    PS. On a side note, I think that everyone should experience the opposite s*x in one way or another. I'm not a L*****n but Ive kissed my share of girls.  To me it just seems like a normal and natural thing to experiment with.

    Good luck!

  7. I would accept my daugther if she were g*y.  As far as I know, I am sure it is not that she will not accept you she is probably worried or concered about the discrimination/hardship you may experience in your life from other people who do not accept persons.  Does that make sense?  I just think that you need to tell her how you feel and ask her to explain what her motives are and why she feels the way she does.  Good luck

  8. Yea I would... Love is about feelings, not gender....  If U really love ur child, U would except them no metter what... I have no issue with g*y people, because it's about feelings, not what you look like, or what gender you are...Nothing like that matters.. Ony ur feelings and ur personality matters.....Remember that...

  9. Yes I would.  He's my son, and I love him.  Its as simple as that.

  10. What the h**l? Since when do g*y or bisexual people have psychological disorders? See, this is the kind of ignorance that's killing this world. =/

    But for your question, I would definitely accept my kids if they were g*y or bisexual. NOTHING  wrong with it. It's not a disease, it's not going to shame the family name, or any of that other BS! As long as their happy with their choices, then i'm a happy camper too!

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