
Parents would you be upset if..?

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Parents would you be upset if your daughter bleached then dyed their hair blue with semi permanent dye without your permission? What would you do? Daugher being aged around 13-16




  1. I will be annoyed when my daughter goes threw this rebellion.

    When I was 14, I did that near exact thing (it was pink). My father promptly took me to the salon and had my hair color changed. For the first week I had it done pink, I rebelled and said I refused to go to the salon and that I would act unruly and get us kicked out blah blah my mother went threw my closet during the day while I was at school and removed ALL of my jeans and slacks. She left nothing but skirts. She also removed every hooded sweatshirt and any shirt that had a band name or picture on the front. Needless to say I was left with like 6 things. I learned later that she dropped everything off in bags at grandma's house before I ever got home from school. For the first three days I wore what I had and convinced friends to borrow me "cool" stuff. But as soon as that stuff went off and I would carelessly set the hooded sweatshirt on the couch or leave the shirt from my friend in the bathroom my mom was on it like flies on fly paper. She was stashing them in the trunk of the car...Obviously I ran back to school and told my friends what my folks did, they said my mom was "psycho" but also refused to borrow me anymore of their stuff. By the end of the first week I caved in and said I would agree to a more "normal" color hair. At the salon, they bleached out the pink and dyed a normal yellow blond over it. My hair was a bit fried but my folks were relieved I could be seen in church again.

  2. Since it is the summer, I wouldn't really care as long as it is acceptable for school in the next few weeks.

    I would be upset that she didn't ask, but I would get over it. (Dad wouldn't be so nice though, expect a grounding for not asking).

    13 is old enough to dye hair in my opinion, but I really feel like that is a big mom and daughter moment. I would feel sad and dissapointed.

  3. My parents were fine with it when I tyed my hair blue, it was the tattoos that they had a problem with ;)

  4. Personally, I would be a little upset that she didn't ask me before she did it, especially since I have teh deal with my kids that if they get good grades during the school year, they can dye their hair any color they want during the summer.  But during the school year it has to be their natural hair color.  And YES, I get strange looks from people when I go places with my 9 year old and he has blue hair and my 4 year old with pink hair.

  5. Far out it is only hair dye......get over it. Hair grows, I believe that if a child feels they want to do this for what ever reason, just let them be...........they will get sick of it eventually and want their own hair back.....same opinion for piercings.....they can be taken out. The child has to be the one to put up with the staring and looks when out in public....their choice!!

  6. I would be upset but I wouldn't be surprised. That is what kids do. Frankly there are a lot worse things that kids could do these days. It is a fad just like a lot of other things and she

    will grow out of it. Not much you can do unless you want to pay to take her to a salon to have the colour corrected. Her hair is going to be terrible for awhile. As far as punishment goes it really depends on the age. The younger age ie 13 I would probably ground her for a week. The older age it is is little tougher. She will be an adult in two years and if normally she is a good kid I wouldn't be too hard on her. Kids experiment with different looks at the time and I am pretty easy going about that sort of thing. Honestly I would say I think she looks dreadful and I had to see what kind of shape her hair is going to be in but I wouldn't say much more than that. Also I would not be paying to have her hair done that is treated or corrected. If she wants her hair blue it can stay blue until it grows out. Maybe she won't be so quick to dye

    it next time. One thing I would definitely do is to make sure I got pictures of her with it like that to use when she tells her own children she was the perfect child and never would do whatever the fad is that HER children want to try.

  7. The operant word here is "semi" as in semi-permanent dye.

    Hair grows out. The best revenge would be to take LOTS of pictures and wait five years.

    Then show them to her.

  8. I would not be upset.  But I know a lot of parents who would be very upset.

    In the end, its just hair.  It grows out.  Whats the big deal?

  9. Yes, I would not be happy that my child would deliberately be sneaky like that, if I knew about it first, cool, not a problem, but no need to be deceptive about it, Open and honest is the way to go. To prevent this whole thing, this is why I always have different coloured hair fudge in my home, gives a change in colour but is totally reversible being able to wash it out eventually.

  10. I think I'd be questioning my daughter's trustworthiness if she did things like this without permission. If she will do this, what else would she do? A child should respect their parents, not sneak around doing things behind the parents backs. This is, I am sure, not a popular opinion. I'm not sure I could describe my reaction as being upset--not in the way you might mean. It would, rather, shake my trust in my daughter. Trust between parents and child is very important. I'd recommend you find ways to respect your parents so you can show you didn't mean disrespect by doing something that you wanted to do. PS--hair dye is not the worst thing a child can do, certainly. Hair can be dyed again and grows out. but care should be taken to respect parents while you live with them.

  11. Of course I would be upset, they are just a teenager and can't make their own dicisions like that.  I might possibly say yes...for the summer, then it is back to original color or something not as extreme but if my daughter just came home with blue hair, I'd see that as disrespectful and ground her.

    Most schools do not allow extreme hair dye and you can be suspended if you don't change it back after a few days.

  12. uh, yeah. its just dye. big deal. its just the color of your hair. if my daughter did that i wouldnt yell at her. shes just trying to express herself. id be glad that she dyed her hair, there are worse things in the world. like doing drugs.

  13. Most likely parents would flip out about that! I was suggest asking them for their permission (suggest that you pay for it yourself) and if they say no, then you are going to have to wait a few more years. You don't want to loose yourself over something like this, so I wouldn't do it without their permission if I were you.

  14. i'm 16 years old and my mom would be really p*ssed off. I'm planning on doing it anyways b/c i know she'll eventually get over it, but unless you got really cool parents, think over it really carfully b/c it can cause a few issues.

  15. no..I would be praising her for her creativity braveness and striving to find her own idenity like she should be doing at her age

  16. I'd be a little PO'd that my daughter was doing things behind my back (obviously, your parents aren't too crazy about the idea). Then again, I'd be glad that she is going through her stupid rebellious phase at a younger age when she has less to lose.

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