
Parents... would you have any problem with your child doing this?

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You have a daughter. She wants to go camping with two other guys for one night. They ride 20 miles from their house on bike just to go camping.

I did this last night and my dad said he trusted me.

I'm 13 , and they are 14 and 15. But they are my good friends.




  1. no way !

  2. No, I wouldn't even let her go camping by herself if it were 2 girls. I wouldn't want her staying overnight anywhere w/out parent supervision.

  3. There is not way my father would let me go (i'm 16)

    There is not way I would let my daughter go (Just to clarify, I don't actually have one like a lot of 16 year olds on here)

    Although I know that If I went with my 2 best guy friends nothing would happen.  They both respect women and me--i don't make friends who don't respect me

    I wouldn't let my daughter go though, because you can never know your childrens friends as well as they will.  So I could never be sure if they actually respected her and if she respected herself

  4. Its not you he needs to trust.

    Can he trust these boys?

  5. It depends on the boys.  If I knew them and was comfortable with them then definately.  If I had never met them then not until I did.

  6. It depends how well I know both of the boys and whether my daughter had had any past incidents which made me not trust her. I'd usually say no, but if my daughter had always been well-behaved and I knew the two boys very well then I might consider it a bit more.

  7. It's not a trust issue, h**l no 3 kids under 16 shouldn't go camping by themselves 20 miles away by bike.  If something happened or somebody tried to do something what could a 14 and 15 year old boy do to protect the girl or themselves for that matter.  Did you already do this or are you going to ask?  Your parents would be irresponsible and stupid quite frankly to let that happen.

  8. ur going to hear some yeses and some nos

    but if she really trusted u then i say go for it

    i slept over at a guys house for like 2 nights and where just friends and my mom and his mom trusted us

  9. There is no way in h**l that I would let my daughter go camping with two guys!  I don't care if they were her best friends, I can't believe your dad let you.

  10. Yes I would! I have a 13 yo and I would not allow her to do that

  11. I don't think I would allow that, but I guess it depends on several things...

    (1)  How well I knew the boys

    (2) What kind of area you were camping at

    (3) My daughter's history with decision making

    13 is so young, but I know I started doing stuff like that (with my siblings and friends) around 14-15.  Kids these days are very different, though.

  12. Nope-not an inch!!

  13. No way- no how. Absolutely not in a million years. has nothing to do with trusting MY child. How in the world could you trust other peoples?

  14. Yeah, I probably wouldn't let my 13 year old daughter do that.  But that's just me and my opinions.

  15. no i wouldnt let a 13 year go camping with 2 boys alone . you just asking for trouble there

  16. At 13, 14 and 15, I would be inclined to say no.

  17. H*LL no!!!!!! i wouldnt let my 13 year old go with 2 guys i dont care how well u know them or think you know them something can always happen!!!

  18. My 16 year old step daughter went weekend camping with her boyfriend and two other male buddies (the "three musekteers").  We trusted them.  If she and her boyfriend were going to have s*x, they could do it at any time.  And it was unlikely that the other two would do anything with her boyfriend there.

    I might hesistate at 13, though.  I know I would.  I'd trust you, sweetie, but not your combined hormones.

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