
Parents would you prefer your children to ask you adult questions or ask the internet?

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Some children say they are shame to ask certain questions such as tampons and things like that so they prefer to ask the internet.....Wouldn't you prefer that they ask you?Isn't that your job/ not the internet? How safe or wise is this option? Are we letting the internet raise our kids?I'm just curious about your thoughts?




  1. well im a teen and i ask the net, but i live with my grandma so that kind of stuff would be akward.

    and with some parents, trust me the net is way better

    well no because kids dont learn morals and vaules and such over the enternet. thats the parents job the ethics part and to make sure your kid is alive and healthy

  2. I think every parent would prefer that their kids ask them, rather than looking on the internet.  But in order for that to happen, the kids have to feel comfortable talking to their parents about those things.  And many kids don't.  Usually because their parents have never brought it up themselves. So the kids aren't sure how their parents will react.  They imagine that their parents might be shocked or angry or embarrased.  

    But if the parents bring the subject up themselves, and give their kids the feeling that it's an okay thing to talk about, then their kids will feel comfortable asking them questions.

    So why haven't some parents brought up the subject first?

    Well, frankly, it can be a little uncomfortable.  Some parents DO feel embarrassed, or worry that they'll embarrass their kids if they bring it up.  And some parents don't realize that their kids have reached the age when they're wondering about those things.  They might think, "When she's ready, she'll ask me."  So instead of bringing it up themselves, they decide to wait until their kids come to them.  

    But of course a lot of kids don't.  So they look for the answers on the internet.  And that's a shame.  But the internet hasn't caused this problem... there have always been kids who felt they couldn't talk to their parents.  Back in the old days,  they'd ask their friends, or go to the library, or rely on what they saw on TV or in the movies.  The internet is just a new way of finding information.  And actually, there are some very good, informative websites out there for teens.  Hopefully, kids will find their way to those sites, and not some bad ones.  Or better yet, their parents will give them the feeling that it's okay to talk to them about anything.

  3. I've learned a lot online, actually. But, I would rather my kids ask me or a doctor about the hard stuff, because a lot of idiots on the internet don't know a d**n thing and there are a lot of trolls.

  4. As a parent one of my roles is to monitor the web use...and restrict certain inappropriate sites.  I believe that I can foster an inviting atmosphere for some of those questions as they come up, but I also understand that our society gives certain labels to particular topics, so no matter how much I open that door, it can still be awkward for a child and I have to respect that boundary if they are uncomfortable.  I can encourage them to walk through it tough as it may be and just talk about it anyway, but I can not force the issue.

  5. I would rather them ask me and then if I can't completely answer it, we can research it together. When my mom gave me the "s*x talk," she got out a medical book and explained things with the aid of pictures and such. I think that the internet is a good way to learn things, but if it's your child, you should try to answer the question yourself and just use the internet as an aid.

  6. Of course I'd rather my child ask me - so I can give them correct information, with our family's morals, and only the information I feel is ok for their age.

    I think it is unsafe for kids to learn things like that on the internet by themselves. They can get too much, or incorrect information.

    Maybe the thing to do is go online with your child - so you can monitor which information they are getting. Or - if you are uncomfortable, find the site yourself and tell them to read it.....

    I see a lot of parents are lazy or just don't care - they let their kids do what they want - we all know not to allow kids online by themselves - but look how many unsupervised kids are on this site alone...... no one is watching - I saw a 12 year old saying she was pregnant and did not know how to tell her mom --- OBVIOUSLY HER MOM IS NOT WATCHING WHAT SHE IS DOING ONLINE!!!! (or offline for that matter!!!)

    Parents and children have always been uncomfortable discussing certain subjects - But now kids have access to unlimited information that they never had before..... Its pretty scarey - I'm not looking forward to my kids getting to that age.

  7. I think part of parenting is answering those hard to answer questions.  My mom would answer them for me and I answer them for my boys.  My oldest is only 6 in a few days and he has asked some questions that makes some people nervous about answering but i would rather he get information from me and i know what he is learning than for him to get on the internet or ask other people and not know if they are just telling him a bunch of c**p.

  8. The parents should teach kids as early as possible its not the old days anymore like when we were growing up,Its are responsibility,not the schools or Internet.Take a look at today's society unbelievable,It all starts at home at a young age,even younger these days.Be little stricter,morals values,manners,respect just to name a few or its off to boot camp in my book.Have a blessed day...

  9. I want my children to feel comfortable asking me anything...especially important facts of life stuff.  You can get such bad info online and I don't want them to be misled.

  10. I think that parents need to be more involved, period.

    If you know whats going on in your kids life then there should never be a question left unanswered.

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