
Paris, France I wanna come seee, Please someone help Please!?

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How is it like in Paris, France I wonder how can I come see?




  1. I assume your talking about how to finance a trip? You can always look for internships as long as you speak some french. Or you can study abroad.

  2. Check this out

  3. Lots of dog p**p by the river but beautiful. I suggest you start with Musee de Louvre first because it's beautiful and has the Mona Lisa. Chateau de Versailles is really nice. The best place to walk around is Champs Elysees. The subways there are clean unlike new york. Movies are great too and their restrooms smells really nice and clean. PAris is beautiful but I would watch out for dog p**p because they don't really curb their dogs over there. And bring comfy shoes, and shower everyday.

  4. Paris is a wonderful city and particularly so when you are young. Unfortunately its also an expensive city and, as I take it you are an American, your options for getting there are fairly limited.

    If you travel in the off season airfares can be quite reasonable. I often find that I can fly from my remote East Texas location to Paris for little more than it would cost to fly to LA or New York.

    Of course getting there is only the beginning of your costs. However, while expensive, Paris is relatively less costly than, for example, London or New York. You can find rooms in a hostel for quite low prices and the abundance of street stands, open air markets and other low cost food alternatives means you can get by cheaply.

    Working is generally not an alternative since unemployment is high and the law bans employment by American visitors absenct a work permit.

    If you'd like to stay more than for a short visit then the two best possibilities are either working as an "au pair" (a mother's helper) which is perfectly legal or becoming a student (university is close to free in France).

  5. can take shuttle if u r in england.

    for 55€night you can have a simple and confortable room in ibis hotel at Porte de Clichy. it is just near the entry of Paris centre. (u cross the road and u r in center.)

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