
Paris - From the Paris train station how do you get to Hotel Majestic Montmarte?

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The hotel is located at 12 Avenue de Clichy Thanks!




  1. well i have a much more simlpe way to get there. if you re arriving at the east station (gare de l'est) just take the bus number 31 heading charles de gaulle etoile and get off at the Moines davy station. Just ask the driver to tell you when you're at that stop. Depending on the traffic it will take you less than half an hour!

  2. That would depend on which of the six major train stations in Paris you are starting from.

    EDIT: Its most likley you will arrive at Gare de L'Est although it might be Gare du Nord.

    Also, do you mean the Hotel Majestic in Montmartre which is at 121 (rather than 12) Avenue de Clichy?

    I'm going to assume it is.

    From Gare de l'Est take the RER E train marked "Direction : Haussmann-Saint-Lazare" to the Haussmann-Saint-Lazare stop. Transfer to the Metro and take Line 13 marked "Direction : Gabriel-Peri-Asnieres Gennevilliers" to the Brochant stop.

    From Gare du Nord take bus 54 marked "Direction : GABRIEL PERI-METRO" to the  Rue Des Moines stop. The Hotel is just across the rue Des Moines along the Avenue Clichy.

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