
Paris france??????????

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whats the best place to go in paris france thats cheap, and you dont need long to do (like a hour)??????




  1. Well I am half french hlf black. I was born in the USA. But I never visited France but my relatives told me what it is like. You have to walk until you've reached The Effiel Tower. I think they said it was free? But can use the elivator or the long stairs. I would pick the elivator or maybe the stairs incase of emergancys. France is a beutiful place. At night The Effiel Tower lights up in sorts of bright colors. You can sit and watch it while eating food from French Restaraunts. You can meet so many people and French teachers. The restaraunts have choices like Spegetti , Noddle Dishes such as (Maccroni , Noodle Soups , More Dishes...) , tey also have Pizza , Spicy Dishes such as (Posta , and Spicy Dishes...) I hope I helped you alot and IF you are planing to go to France , enjoy it. My name is Ciera and I am eleven years old.

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